Fatherhood Adventures

It’s amazing to me how much my television viewing habits have changed over the last two years.On one hand, my kids have opened my eyes to a whole new world of television that I never realized existed, but there are moments when I find myself watching these shows and scratching my head.One particular scenario from… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

It may be a sign of things to come, but I’m convinced Beckett has an addictive personality.Presumably all toddler-aged kids are like this – they fascinate on a single thing, wear it out and then move on to another object of obsession. I know my son is this way.The latest craze that came out of… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

When it comes to parenting, moms and dads see some things differently.There’s a long list of examples to illustrate the point, but going too far into detail here could be a little hazardous to my health. Therefore, I digress.Some safe territory to chart involving the strange differences between parents involves the diaper change, which is… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

The baby of the house seems to have discovered his voice.This revelation has made life a little more frenzied of late because the sounds that come from Carson, now 4 months young, are quite unique.This is sensitive territory to chart here, but the fact is his first sounds are different than any I have ever… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

Ever try and cut a toddler’s nails?I like a challenge, but this can get a little ridiculous. Consequently, it’s something I try to delay as long as possible, but there comes a time when procrastination can be troublesome (hence the current scratch on the side of my face from a recent roughhousing session). Short of… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

Laughing at myself is always entertaining, but sometimes it’s a little embarrassing, too.After a few dining out experiences of late, I sat down at my trusty Dell intending to detail the differences between taking two kids out to eat compared to one, and I have to admit I got bored with what was coming out.In… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

It’s just not right that Laurie Berkner Band songs fill my head all day.For those who don’t know her, a simple web search will confirm she’s a sensation in the world of young kids. My son, Beckett, the 21-month-old, is infatuated with her and consequently her catchy music dances through my brain at odd times… Read more »

Fatherhood Adventures

Sometimes, I feel sorry for the baby in my family.The issue here is my wife and I both think Carson gets neglected generally because his older brother is such a handful, which seems entirely normal considering he’s a 21-month-old crazy toddler. The fact of the matter is an infant is easy compared to a toddler… Read more »