Look Elsewhere For Boardwalk Ideas


Regarding the discussion about what the Ocean City Boardwalk should be made of, I can say that I have visited more beaches around the country and the world than most other citizens of Ocean City.

When I was a lifeguard in Ocean City in 1946, the Boardwalk was entirely of wood construction. Somewhere about the mid-50s the commercial part of the Boardwalk was replaced with concrete. It was recognized that the heavy traffic in that area was too much for the wood to bear.

Constant maintenance and injuries from splinters and nail heads caused the town’s leaders to make the change.

When the decision, about 10 years ago, was made the only reason to do was it was called a “Boardwalk.”

Building materials have improved over the years. There was a time when sidewalks were made of wood.

One of the most attractive promenades, by the ocean, I have seen was in Durban, South Africa. It was colored concrete with a very attractive design artfully worked in. Viareggo, Italy also has a wide concrete promenade with sidewalk cafes. There was not a T-shirt shop in sight.

Sometimes it helps to see what is going on in other resort areas.

I have been privileged to carry the Ocean City flag in opening ceremonies, for lifeguard competitions, around the world.

George Feehley
Ocean City

Grateful For Help

I wish to finally take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt “Thanks” to all those who came to my assistance on Oct. 8 at the White Marlin Mall. On that day, I suffered a terrible fall rendering me helpless and laying in the parking lot unable to move.

I am eternally grateful for the many good Samaritans who waited with me until the ambulance arrived. Although I am unable to name you by name and remember some of you only by the sound of your voice, I was so very aware of your presence. I wish to extend a very special “Thank-you” to the lady who identified herself as a nurse and handled everything, as well as to the gentleman who stayed with me, near the top of my head and returned to his car to get blankets in which he was so kind to place under my head.

I never actually saw the faces of many of you and we may never meet again. Yet, it is my sincerest hope that you will find this letter and know how very much I appreciated your kindness. I know that angels walk among us.

Paula Jones                                                                           


Thank You For Support

The Noel Community extends a thank you to places of worship, individuals, businesses, and civic groups for the overwhelming support for our 13th Annual Christmas Dinner.

We are especially grateful to Father David Dingwall and St. Paul’s by-the Sea for hosting the dinner; to Deacon Carl Mosley for his constant spiritual leadership; to the many businesses and civic groups for supplying food, making generous monetary donations, and sponsoring toy, toiletry, and food drives; to the local media for publicizing our event; to all the individuals and churches for donating toys, food, desserts, toiletries and monetary gifts; and to everyone for volunteering their time.

The Noel Community served over 1,500 free meals on Christmas, including carry-outs and deliveries to individuals who otherwise would be lonely or hungry. We provided toys, toiletries, hats, and clothing. We prepared hot meals for police officers, fire personnel, and other public servants working on Christmas Day.

The Noel Community appreciates the generous support from Ocean City, Ocean Pines, Berlin, Bishopville, Selbyville, and surrounding neighborhoods allowing us to make the Christmas celebration special for many in our community.

We will continue to expand our outreach this year serving free breakfast and carryout lunch at a local food pantry with the leftover supplies and funds. Your generosity allowed the Noel Community volunteers to serve each Saturday in 2010 providing 5,100 meals/sandwiches throughout the year.

Thanks to your support, we are able to assist individuals and families in meaningful ways.
The Noel Committee

LCB Should Say

For those of us who arrived in Worcester County via the Commonwealth of Virginia, we tend to be addicted to Virginia news past and current, such as the recent attempt of newly elected Governor McDonnell to privatize the ABC status of the liquor industry.

To the governor’s credit, he freely admitted it was "payback" time for their support in his recent election. Maybe nobility has not died at that.
His proposal went to the General Assembly leaders for a trial balloon and a desire to call a special session for implementation soon thereafter. The proposal went nowhere and no special session will be called. Why is that? Reality?

Why in the world would the Commonwealth want to risk $250 million a year in profits and $150 million a year in taxes to accommodate private profiteers? Not to mention the public employees sent to the breadlines. And to have liquor stores spring up in every village, middlesex and town? Not to even mention public safety.

To make this work, one would have to sell more liquor, not less, to compensate for the lost profits and taxes. Who wants more booze on the streets? 

And here in our own county of Worcester we have endless proposals to dismantle the LCB with the tiresome, old canards that it has outlived its purpose and private enterprise can do it better. Huh? Have the opponents ever heard of Chapter 7 or 11 or simple business shut-downs and run-aways? Or that less-than-perfect programs, like Social Security, that have been with us since the 1930s, even younger than some of the current LCB-hating opponents. 

Nothing works to perfection, no matter the effort, or so my Mom taught me. We have to be careful with the standards we set for others.

Have these virulent LCB opponents ever considered that Judge Mumford in OC District Court has had days where 10 of the 20 items on the docket involve alcohol? Or the Md. Drug and Alcoholic Administration advertises, over and over, that the Eastern Shore of Maryland is rife with teen-age binge drinking, DUIs and auto wrecks and deaths? Or, we recognize an OC police officer for his huge amount of alcohol arrests? And on and on, public safety is at huge risk if one tinkers with the current LCB. Leave it alone.

It is time for our local politicians to get off the tiresome old canards of the LCB outliving its usefulness and how wonderful private enterprise can be, like just ruining the economy of the USA for private gain. Neither one are remotely true. And none are perfect. And it makes the voters wonder who these officials truly represent. It is my hope that the LCB remains hale and hearty, that the WCLCA stops its childish squawking, and the public safety remains the one and only true issue here.

Raymond M. Sawyer
Ocean City

Feeding Strays Should
Not Be Against Law

As the winter closes in and the outlook for stray animals becomes even harsher, there is a new hazard looming on the horizon.

It appears that a local minister, a person of God who is supposed to revere all life, has decided to pressure the City Council into passing a law that would make feeding stray animals a ticketable offense, with the onus of issuing said tickets falling squarely on our overworked police force.

This would put those of us who work with stray animals squarely in the gunsights (so to speak) of law enforcement and, by doing so, would reduce the number of volunteers who spend numerous hours and a great deal of our own money, as well as donated funds and products, taking care of these poor abandoned animals.

If this ordinance passes, it would be a huge blow to the animal rights community and put a serious blot on one of Americas favorite resort destinations. Instead of being known as a ‘family friendly’ community, we will instead become known as a community of animal killers, because, without the efforts of the volunteers, the stray population will quickly overwhelm the community and the only way to control it will be mass catch and kill programs.

What an advertising campaign that would be, eh?

Can OC stand to lose the revenue that such an image would create, at a time when we are struggling to capture as much of the tourism dollar as possible? Any action that taints our image as a family resort is not the way we want to present our community.

There will be a council meeting on this issue on Monday Jan. 11 at 1 p.m. in City Hall. The Delmarva Association of Animal Rescuers urges everyone who is interested in saving our strays to attend this meeting and let our council members know just how bad an idea this ordinance will be.

We will see you on Jan. 11.

Paul Toulotte
(The writer is the founder of the Delmarva Association of Animal Rescuers.)