Voices From The Readers

Voices From The Readers

A Veterans Day Thought


(The following letter was addressed to George Russell Oliver within weeks of being discharged from the Navy in World War II. The letter, dated April 20, 1946, was written by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal.)

I have  addressed this letter to reach you after all the formalities of your separation from active service are completed. I have done so because, without formality but as clearly as I know how  to say it, I want the Navy’s pride in you, which it is my privilege to express, to reach into your civil life and to remain with you always.

You have served in the greatest Navy in the world.

It crushed two enemy fleets at once, receiving their surrenders only four months apart.

It brought our land-based airpower within bombing range of the enemy and set our ground armies on the beachheads of final victory.

It performed the multitude of tasks necessary to support these military operations.

No other Navy at any time has done so much. For your part in these achievements you deserve to be proud as long as you live. The Nation which you served at a time of crisis will remember you with gratitude.

The best wishes of the Navy go with you into civilian life. Good luck.

Letter submitted by George Oliver


I’m thoroughly disgusted with our elected officials and what is happening to our country. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Post Office are

all run by the government and are all full of corruption plus millions and
billions of dollars in debt. Why would anyone in their right mind think that
the government would be able to manage our healthcare in a responsible
manner? At almost 2,000 pages long, how many members of Congress do you
think have read or even attempted to read this boondoggle of a bill? Very
few, I’m sure.  
 As I plan to do, I urge all voters to vote out of office in all future
elections all those who have voted for the Stimulus Package, who support CAP
& Trade and Card Check, and most of all those who are supporting Universal
Healthcare. This will be one of the biggest disasters to ever hit us if this
gets passed. Wake up America before it’s too late!
Ann Lutz


The Ocean City/Berlin Rotary Club in addition to the River Run Home Owners’ Association, River Run Book Club, Worcester County Women’s Commission and other individuals from the local community had 100% participation in the “Shoe Boxes For Soldiers” project. In all, the Ocean City/Berlin Rotary Club collected 52 of the Rotary Club District 7630 total of more than 3,100 boxes. Shoe boxes or similar-size containers, were collected at Wild Quail Country Club in Dover, Delaware on September 29, 2009 during the District Foundation Seminar and Golf Tournament. These boxes were taken to Dover Air Force Base and were flown to Iraq and Afghanistan to be distributed by the USO to servicemen and servicewomen.

Our thanks go out to all those who participated in this very important project.

Margo Jones


Ocean City/Berlin Rotary Club 2009-2010

Shoebox Project Chair

I recently went to the local Boomer’s Restaurant in Berlin, Oct. 24th, to pick up an order I called in.  While waiting I noticed a Holloween decoration prominately displayed on the front counter.  It was a two foot high BLACK tree complete with orange blinking lights, hanging sculls, witch heads etc.  This was essentially a black Christmas Tree decorated to celebrate Holloween.  I was appalled!  What will this secular world of not do in the perversion of Christmas and Christianity in general.  This was nothing more than the perverting Christmas and Christ himself.   

I called the restaurant when I got home and asked to speak with the manager.  The manager then answered and I told him my issue, that wasn’t about the food but of their Holloween display.  He said "Okay".  I explained that I was just there, was appalled at the display and asked him who’s idea it was.  The mananger said that it was the owners idea.  I told him that I was highly offended at the perverting Christmas in my opinion.  I said that if this were a cross and a complaint was made, that it would come down immediately.  I said that I would appriciate the same consideration nad have it removed but doubted that it would happen.  The manager said that he would pass my complaint onto the owners and that was it.  Quite frankly, it was obvious that he couldn’t have cared less about this issue or the fact I was offended.  After all, it wasn’t involving a cross or some other left wing cause the ACLU would latch onto.. just Christmas!

I did wait several days and returned on the 30th to see if it was still on display.  Needless to say it was still there prominately displayed in the same spot with all the same bells and whistles.  Like I said, my concerns obviously meant nothing to them and nothing the ACLU would be interested in.  But someone needs to stand up and speak out up for Christmas and for Christianity.  Someone just did!  The muslims wouldn’t stand for this crap.. we shouldn’t either.    Charles  Zukas 


I just had to vent on this issue of people walking their dogs around town of Berlin, with no baggies to remove their mess.

I was heading north on Main Thurs evening around 4:30. As I passed Victorian Charm, a woman with a large yellow dog, allowed her dog to lift his leg on Debbies ornamental plants in an ornamental urn on the sidewalk. She didn’t look twice let him do it and continued on her way… I was so surprised I couldn’t say anything. I thought of lots to say after I passed the store of course. But seriously. People don’t want their dogs messing their yards but don’t give a hoot for someone elses… and heaven knows lil Josh doesn’t mess on his front walk. I have seen a good number of people who have no regard for anyone elses property.  These people don’t realize or don’t care that there are those of us who see them allowing this to happen, and how much it lowers our opinion of them. This is just one woman’s opinion after talking to other merchants and residents of Berlin who have to clean up after this blatant disregard.

Peg Hagy


Perception Is Reality


We all see the world through our own eyes. According to what is felt, said and done to us, the nature of my letter is not to win a popularity contest nor is it to determine my innocence or guilt.

I merely have a voice and because I choose to exercise my voice means I have a choice. I don’t proclaim to be one of Jesus’ disciples, but I am a work in progress. Who I am today is who I need to be. Encouraging, confident, outgoing, determined, caring, outspoken and faithful.

This doesn’t mean I’m not a bad boy or have done bad things. I’m still a bad boy. I’m just a bad boy for Jesus. I’m just a bad boy for Christ.

To quote a poem:

“No one said it would be easy

Turning my life around

Responsibility weighs an ounce …

Denial weighs a pound

I made a few mistakes in life,

At least today I know

Those mistakes have built my character,

Gave me strength to grow

No one said it would be easy,

Life’s not all laughter and fun.

Regrets on life weigh a pound.

Guilt … weighs a ton.”

Thanks for listening.

Leroy Poole

Left Out Of Coverage


The tagline for your paper’s People In Society page says, “Featuring Those Helping Causes In The Resort Area.”

The Dispatch’s coverage of the fashion show by the Republican Women of Worcester County failed to mention the Southern Exposure store in Fenwick Island. The models are attired in Southern Exposure’s fashions, but another store’s name, who didn’t event participate in the fashion show is accredited.

Fashion shows are a lot of work and expense for a store. We’ve made an effort for many years to help numerous causes. Our staff worked very hard on this one. It was very discouraging not to even get a name mention.

Tim Collins Family

Fenwick Island, Del.