Pink Lady Tourney Donates Funds To AGH Women’s Health

Pink Lady Tourney Donates Funds To AGH Women’s Health
Pictured, back from left, are Steven Tyson, AGH donor relations officer; Jessica Jersey, AGH grant operations officer; Chanelle Lake, director of Burbage Regional Cancer Care Center; Steve Green, AGH Foundation board chair; Brooke Williams, AGH director of imaging; and Toni Keiser, AGH vice president of public relations. Front, from left, are Laura Powell, AGH event coordinator/development assistant; Charlotte Cathell, AGH Board chair; OPLGA members Ann Shockley, Janet Stoer, Susan Morris and Bob Long; and Don Owrey, AGH president and CEO. Submitted Photo

BERLIN – The 12th Annual Ocean Pines Pink Lady Tournament, hosted by the Ocean Pines Ladies Golf Association (OPLGA) and Ocean Pines Men’s Golf Association (OPMGA), recently raised $5,674 for Atlantic General Women’s Imaging and the Eunice Q. Sorin Women’s Diagnostic Center at Atlantic General Hospital.

The funds raised by the tournament, held at the Ocean Pines Golf Club on Oct. 18, will help pay for and provide mammograms and other cancer-related care for local individuals who are unable to afford such services.

Over the past 12 years, the tournament has raised more than $18,000 for these critical screening services.

“The Pink Lady Tournament stands as a beacon of support for the Atlantic General Hospital Foundation, dedicated to making mammograms and related healthcare accessible to women in our community who face financial barriers,” said Chanelle Lake, director of the John H. ‘Jack’ Burbage, Jr. Regional Cancer Care Center.

This year, for the first time in its history, the tournament was open to the public and featured a field of 67 players.