Every Sunday: Farmers Market
Berlin will host along Main Street with 35-plus vendors from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Rain or shine. TheBerlinFarmersMarket.com.
Every Monday: TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-880-8444.
Every Monday: Acapella Chorus
All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-629-9383 or Carol 302-242-7062.
Every Monday: Bridge Games
Are you interested in joining others for a game of Bridge at the Ocean City 50+ Senior Center? If so, please call or text Tish at 410-804-3971.
Every Monday: Overeaters Anonymous
Meetings are from 7-8 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Library branch. No dues or fees. Call 410-459-9100.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410-289-4725.
Every Tuesday: Beach Cleanup
Beach Heroes, a volunteer Ocean City group, holds cleanups 9-10 a.m. year-round. Trash bags, grippers and gloves provided. Check the Facebook page “Beach Heroes-OC” for weekly meeting locations. All are welcome.
Every Wednesday: Bingo
Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open for light fare. 410-250-2645.
Every Thursday: Beach Singles
Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302-436-9577 or BeachSingles.org.
2nd and 4th Thursdays: Caregiver Support Meeting
The Caregiver Support Group will continue to meet on the second and fourth Thursdays in the Ocean Pines Library. Meetings will run from 3-4:30 p.m. The meetings are private and confidential.
July 28: Vacation Bible School
Stevenson United Methodist, Buckingham Presbyterian, Friendship United Methodist, St. Paul’s Episcopal and St. Paul United Methodist are partnering on a Vacation Bible School at Stevenson United Methodist Church from 6-8 p.m. Register online by July 1 and receive a free T-shirt at www.stevensonchurch.org/VBS. Call 410-641-1137 for more information.
July 28-Aug. 19: Furnace Town Music
Get ready to groove this summer at Furnace Town, showcasing a lineup of talented musicians and artists from around the shore. Enjoy live performances in a stunning outdoor venue. Bring your friends, family and loved ones for an evening filled with music, food, drinks, and fun. Cost is $10/adults, $5/kids 5-15.
The schedule is:
Aug. 5: 5-8 p.m., Hoedown with DJ Kay
Aug. 19: 5-8 p.m., Ampersand – Traditional American Music.
July 28-30: OP Library Book Sale
The Annual Ocean Pines Library Book Sale, sponsored by the Friends of the Ocean Pines Library (FOPL), will take place. All proceeds go to the Ocean Pines Library for events, equipment, projects and special needs.
The sale of over 20,000 books, CD’s, DVD’s and audio books that are in good to new condition will begin on Friday, July 28 from 6-8 p.m. and is for FOPL members only. If you are not a member, you can join at the door for $5 for an individual membership, $10 for a family or $25 as a business or patron. Dealers, collectors and book store owners are more than welcome. More details can be found on the web at Book Sale Finder.
The sale will continue on Saturday, July 29 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and open to all at no cost. Books will range from 50 cents to $2.50 each with no limits. Cash or checks with ID only, no credit cards. On Monday, July 31, the sale continues from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with all remaining books at half price.
July 29: Chicken Platters To Go
Calvary United Methodist Church fundraiser sale of fried/baked chicken platters to go, 10:30 a.m. until sold out. Platters are $10 and include two sides and a roll. Side choices include homemade potato salad, mac ‘n cheese, greens and seasoned string beans. Dessert table available. 8607 Ironshire Station Road, Berlin.
July 29: Public Reading
Snow Hill Christian Church will host a public Reading of the Word of God at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Selected readings from Scripture will be read by members of the church with prayers preceding and following each reading. Snow Hill Christian Church is at 300 Park Row just before entering Snow Hill’s downtown neighborhood. Street parking is available.
July 30: Church Concert
St. Matthew’s by the Sea Church in Fenwick Island will host Graceway (formerly Dixie Melody Boys) for three shows – 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Aug. 1-3: Science Event At Library
At 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Berlin branch from Aug. 1-3, join the Science Guys of Baltimore and explore the laws of attraction and repulsion, what brings us together and what keeps us apart, through electromagnetism. Test your strength with an electromagnetic tug of war, launch rings into the air with an electromagnetic pulse generator and so much more. For ages 8 plus. 410-641-0650.
Aug. 4: Book Signing, Exhibit
As part of the Art League of Ocean City’s “Block Party” event, from 5-7 p.m., local author and artist Joanne K. Guilfoil will be signing her latest book “Chickens on Delmarva: 100 Years of Backyard Flocks, Farms and Friends,” and she will also be displaying her White Marlin Open paintings of bill fish and game fish.
Guilfoil will be seated on “Author’s Row” selling her books. She will also be ready to tell some of the captivating stories from the chicken book, including an illegal liquor stash in a Bethany chicken house, Perdue chicken in Baghdad, Frank and Mitzi Perdue at the White House. She will also be on hand in the Spotlight Gallery where her field-guide style gouache paintings of the game fish and bill fish will be displayed. In addition, two artist friends will join her in the gallery — Jim Motsko, founder of the WMO, will display his fish photographs, and Lisa Marie Penn will display her fish painted screens, a long-time Baltimore art-form.
Aug. 5: Flounder Tourney
The Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce will host their 16th Annual Flounder Tournament and Auction on Saturday, August 5, 2023, with the weigh in and auction at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club and Marina from noon-430 p.m. This is the largest Maryland coastal flounder tournament and will feature an expected purse of over $8,000.
“Our region gets tournament fever every summer, especially the first week in August. We are the little guy tournament. A great day on the water and a chance to win big without breaking your bank to enter,” said Ocean Pines Chamber President Kerrie Bunting.
Registration is $55 per angler or $50 each when registering more than one. Calcuttas are available for $20 per angler. The longest flounder brought in by any angler 13 or under wins $100 and is also eligible for the main cash prizes. Make sure to register before noon on August 4. Collectable T-shirts are free for the first 250 registered. Sponsorships are available and we are seeking donations for the auction which is held during the weigh in. For tournament rules or to register as sponsor or angler go to: https://business.oceanpineschamber.org/events/details/16th-annual-flounder-tournament-14865.
Aug. 5: Berlin Peach Festival
Calvin B. Taylor House Museum Satuday, Aug. 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 410-641-1019 for more information.
Aug. 5: Blessing Of Combines
For the 23rd year the Snow Hill Blessing of the Combines will be held in downtown Snow Hill from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This signature event brings the local farm community together along with locals and visitors from far and wide to honor the agricultural roots of the Snow Hill area. Led by the Snow Hill Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corp, Color Guard, antique tractors, the Shore Fun Garden Tractor club and the highly anticipated combines will parade through the downtown at 11 a.m. The larger-than-life combines will then park along Green Street for spectators to view and even tour during the event. Kids of all ages will enjoy the petting zoo, free pony rides, a bounce house and gigantic corn maze, games, and other activities throughout the event. Local businesses will welcome visitors with sales and specials that will keep you coming back to Snow Hill for your shopping and dining needs.
Aug. 6: Special Music
Bowen United Methodist Church in Newark will having special music at 10 a.m. with The Beasey from Dagsboro, Del. performing. All are welcome.
Aug. 6: Church Concerts
St. Matthew’s by the Sea Church in Fenwick Island will host the Rivenbark Ministries at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. and The Hyssongs at 7 p.m.
Aug. 7: Quarter Auction
The Church of the Holy Spirit is having a Quarter Auction. For those of you who have never been to a quarter auction, you are missing a lot of fun. You buy a paddle (or two, or more) and then bid on items offered at one, two, three or four quarters, based on the value of the item.
The committee is collecting a lot of great prizes, including gift certificates, home décor items, wine baskets, and some just for fun. The doors will open at 6 p.m., and the games start at 7. Food will be available for purchase. Tickets are $10 and include a paddle. Additional paddles are $2 each, or three for $5. They are limited, so get yours now. The church is located at 100th Street and Coastal Highway in Ocean City. Call Jackie at 443-735-4275 for further information and for tickets.
Aug. 13-17: Chamber Music By Sea
Chamber Music by the Sea festival will present its eighth season with new treats in store. The 2023 festival, which runs from August 13-19, welcomes some of the world’s most acclaimed young musicians and branches out to new venues in both Berlin and Snow Hill. Additionally, this year’s festival welcomes the public for a behind-the-scenes peek at how the musical magic is made.
The 2023 festival schedule includes:
Sunday, Aug. 13, 3 p.m.: ticketed salon concert and reception at a private Snow Hill home (seating limited)
Monday, Aug. 14, 11 a.m.: open-air rehearsal on South Point
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 7 p.m.: ticketed salon concert and reception at Bishop’s Stock Gallery, Snow Hill (seating limited)
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 7 p.m.: ticketed concert and reception at Temple Bat Yam, Berlin Thursday, August 17, 10:30 a.m.: Free family concert at the Berlin Public Library. Student workshop (open to the public) to follow at noon at the Berlin Public Library
Thursday, Aug. 17, 7 p.m.: ticketed concert at the Atlantic Hotel, Berlin
Friday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m: ticketed concert at All Hallows Episcopal Church, Snow Hill
Saturday, Aug. 19, 11 a.m.: free open-air informal performance on the lawn of the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum, Berlin. Events benefit the Worcester County Education Foundation. Tickets at chambermusicbythesea.com.
Aug. 19: Gloves Up, Guns Down
The Old Germantown School will host the 1st Annual Gloves Up Guns Down event at 10223 Trappe Road, from noon-4 p.m. Hosted by Lamar Sturgis. Lunch will be served.
Aug. 17: History Day At Library
At 2 p.m. at the Ocean Pines library branch, a presentation will take on The Boardwalk, Beach and Bay: The History of Ocean City’s Landmarks. The history of Ocean City’s famous landmarks will be told by Dr. Robert M. Craig, author of the new book Ocean City’s Historic Boardwalk, Beach, and Bay, featuring the vast postcard collection of local historians Robert and Kathy Fisher.