Multiple Arrests In Midtown Melee
OCEAN CITY — A handful of people were arrested for a midtown disturbance early last Sunday including two for possession of a loaded handgun.
Around 1:45 a.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to the area of 88th Street for a reported group of disorderly individuals. A 911 caller complained the group was disorderly and it appeared there was going to be a fight, according to police reports.
When officers arrived, they reportedly observed numerous people standing around a Dodge Ram truck. The driver of the truck allegedly revved its engine loudly, attracting the attention of the officers.
An OCPD officer approached the truck with his emergency lights activated and identified the driver as Tresvante Bivens, 22, of Salisbury, and the passenger as Da’quawn Waters, 22, also of Salisbury. While the officer was interacting with the two occupants, he detected a strong odor of marijuana coming from the passenger compartment, according to police reports.
The officer reportedly asked Bivens and Waters to get out of the vehicle. A search of the vehicle revealed a Ruger 9mm handgun and plastic baggie of marijuana less than 10 grams. The handgun’s magazine was loaded, but there was no round in the chamber. When interviewed, Bivens and Waters each told police they were old friends who had just reconnected and hanging out in the truck to make plans.
Bivens acknowledged owning the truck, but denied knowing anything about the handgun. Waters also denied knowing anything about the gun. Based on the evidence and their testimony, but Bivens and Waters were arrested on multiple weapons charges.
During the same incident involving the potential fight at 88th Street, OCPD officer allegedly observed a female suspect later identified as Alexius Horsey, 22, of Pocomoke, screaming at an occupant in parked vehicle. According to police reports, Horsey could be heard screaming from at least 200 feet away in violation of the town’s 50-foot noise ordinance. Horsey was located about 15 feet away from the truck involved in the handgun violations.
According to police reports, Horsey was told repeatedly to stop yelling or she would be arrested, but the orders only appeared to rile her up more and she directed an expletive-laced tirade at the police officers. When OCPD officers finally attempted to arrest Horsey, she reportedly resisted and swung her arms and refused to sit on the curb as directed. Her screaming was echoing off the surrounding buildings in the area, according to police reports.
Horsey reportedly refused to provide any identification or her name. When the officers told her she was going to have to provide a name to the commissioner, and ultimately a judge, Horsey reportedly said, “I don’t give a [expletive deleted] about no judge,” and “I don’t give a [expletive deleted] about no commissioner,” according to police reports. She was arrested for disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest.
Hotel Disturbance
OCEAN CITY — A Salisbury woman was arrested on disorderly conduct charges last weekend after allegedly causing a ruckus at an uptown hotel.
Around 11:50 p.m. last Saturday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer responded to a hotel at 123rd Street for a reported assault. The officer met with the alleged victim and hotel staff in the lobby. While the officer was speaking with hotel staff about the alleged incident, he observed numerous people exiting the hotel, along with multiple cars attempting to leave the parking lot, according to police reports.
The officer approached a vehicle and made contact with Taysha Maddox, 31, of Salisbury, who was very upset and yelling, according to police reports. Maddox reportedly said numerous times she had done nothing wrong, but she had been identified as the suspect in the alleged incident.
Despite being given numerous lawful orders to lower her voice, Maddox’s screaming and yelling only intensified, according to police reports. OCPD officers observed a male walking in the parking lot and Maddox reportedly aimed her continued yelling and screaming in his direction. When Maddox refused to obey orders to lower her voice and stop yelling and screaming, she was ultimately arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace.
Jail For Domestic Assault
OCEAN CITY — An Ocean City man, arrested on assault charges in November after slapping his girlfriend during a domestic dispute at a downtown residence, pleaded guilty last week and was sentenced to three years, all but 58 days of which were then suspended.
Around 3:25 p.m. on Nov. 12, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer responded to a reported domestic assault that had already occurred at a residence on Judlee Avenue. The officer met with the victim, who reportedly told police she resides at the residence with the suspect, later identified as Ivan Morales, 29, of Ocean City.
The victim told police Morales moved into her unit several days prior and became enraged when he viewed a picture of her ex-boyfriend. The victim told police Morales had slapped her on the right side of her head, face and ear. The victim’s daughter was on the scene and witnessed the assault and provided an account of the events the corroborated the victim’s story.
For his part, Morales acknowledged there had been an argument, but denied striking the victim. Based on the evidence of an apparent assault on the victim, along with the testimony of the victim and her daughter, Morales was arrested and charged with second-degree assault. Last week, he pleaded guilty to second-degree assault and was sentenced to three years, all but 58 days of which were suspended. He was also placed on probation for three years.
Guilty Plea For Rock Throwing
OCEAN CITY — An Ocean City man, arrested in October after throwing rocks at an uptown business, pleaded guilty last week to intoxicated endangerment.
Around midnight on Oct. 27, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was patrolling in the area of the Starbuck’s at 112nd Street and was typing a report when a loud bang was heard. The officer looked around and did not initially determine what caused the loud noise, which sounded like two hard objects hitting each other, according to police reports.
The officer went back to typing the reports and heard the same loud bang two more times. The officer reportedly moved the patrol vehicle closer and observed a suspect later identified as Albert Dennis, 39, of Ocean City, holding fist-sized planter’s rocks in both hands while facing the Starbuck’s. According to police reports, the officer observed Dennis hiding behind a bush on the sidewalk east of the business before throwing another rock at the Starbuck’s window.
When Dennis saw the officer, he dropped his remaining rocks and started to walk away. When the officer approached Dennis, he reportedly put his hands up in a “don’t shoot” motion, according to police reports. The officer motioned for Dennis to come back and he complied. According to police reports, Dennis exhibited signs of intoxication.
Dennis reportedly told police he had too much to drink at a bar at 131st Street and told the officer he was walking home and wanted to throw rocks at Starbuck’s and other businesses. He reportedly told the officer he had only thrown rocks at the coffee shop so far. Dennis reportedly told the officer, “It was my fault,” and “That was my mistake.”
The officer went to assess the damage and found three large planter’s rocks in the patio in front of the Starbuck’s door. The rocks were reportedly part of the landscaping in the business’s patio area. The officer observed three gouges and scratches in the door of the business. Last week, he pleaded guilty to intoxicated endangerment.