As part of Worcester Prep’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program, juniors Josh Bredbenner of Seaford, Del. and Connor Cebula of Berlin built their own programmable drone quad-copter in Colleen McGuire’s Digital Engineering course. Together they designed and 3D printed the frame and assembled all the necessary electronics, including the motors, GPS sensors, controller and power system. The culmination of the drone project, from the inception to the completion, made for an incredible learning experience for the students. Next year, Bredbenner and Cebula will learn more about flying and navigating their drone as well as mentoring other students in the art of building and flying drones.
Both students were recognized outside the classroom as well for their academic excellence. Bredbenner received the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mathematics and Science Medal Award for the Class of 2018. This merit scholarship, with a minimum value of $25,000 per year, is guaranteed for four years for each medalist who is accepted and enrolls at Rensselaer. Bredbenner was also the recipient of the Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology Award for his high level of achievement in the field and The Furman Scholars Award which recognizes outstanding scholastic achievement in academics and testing.
Cebula was the recipient of the Wofford Scholars Program which recognizes outstanding qualities of scholarship, leadership, and service. Submitted Photos