5-Year Sentence In Boardwalk Chase

OCEAN CITY — A Pennsylvania man, arrested in July on numerous charges after a wild stolen car chase that included two stints on the Boardwalk and a crash through a fence before he jumped into the bay to elude police, pleaded guilty last week to motor vehicle theft and possession of marijuana and was sentenced… Read more »

Voices From The Readers

Voices From The Readers

What’s ‘Right Direction’? Editor:I couldn’t help but notice that Mr. Dare is running for City Council. His signs are all over town with his slogan “The Right Direction”. Slogans are good only if you know what the person means in his statement. 
A case in point: “Hope and Change”! We all remember that slogan four… Read more »

Berlin Community Unfairly Stuck In Middle

Berlin Community Unfairly Stuck In Middle

Oftentimes, rational people disagree. Sometimes, rational people disagree so much they become irrational.There seems to be a bit of this surfacing in an ongoing political squabble in Worcester County.In Berlin, the town and its recent fracture with the Berlin Fire Company (BFC) reached new heights this week when a last-minute election coup arose with the… Read more »

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

The Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce released the results of its “Chamber Unionization Feedback Poll” last week.Of the respondents, 74.4% requested the chamber adopt a position in opposition to the general employees’ union referendum on Nov. 6. Armed with those results, the chamber’s board has initiated a public education campaign that will include a… Read more »

NEW FOR THURSDAY: Fire Company Denies Role In Berlin Mayor Write-In Effort

NEW FOR THURSDAY: Fire Company Denies Role In Berlin Mayor Write-In Effort

BERLIN — While a surprise write-in candidate for mayor shook up what was expected to be a quiet election in Berlin this week, the last-minute effort was not successful enough to change the composition of the council. After voters hit the polls Tuesday, Mayor Gee Williams, District II Councilmember Lisa Hall and District III Councilmember… Read more »