MBS Has DAC Winners

Most Blessed Sacrament Elementary School Winners of the Daughters of the American Colonisst-Junior American Citizens Contest are, from left, second grader Morgan Carlson-stamp design; fifth Grader Brooke Cullen, stamp design; and third grader, Lindsay Gabbard, stamp design 

Winner DAC Poster Contest

Lenore Huffer, left, education chairman for Daughters of the American Colonists (DAC), congratulates Worcester Prep third grade student Jacob Cockman for winning the DAC Regional Award for his poster about colonial times. With them is Celeste Bunting, Head of Lower School.

Mobile Science Museum

Amy Doerzbach brought the Mobile Science Museum to all pre-kindergarten students at Ocean City Elementary School. Students were presented with mini science lessons and hands on science fun. Chemists were creating in the Color Lab and future doctors were learning anatomy. Chemists pictured are Saylor Amos, Taylor Davis and Jamie Consigli 

WPS Saving Soda Can Tabs

Since 2009, Worcester Preparatory School students have been participating in the Ronald McDonald House Pull Tab Campaign, which encourages students to collect soda can tabs. Students pictured with teacher Carol Hartnett are those who brought in the most tabs. Pictured, from left, are Ty Burton, Rylie Carey, Samantha Wolpin, Brock Grosso, Marissa Grosso and Gavin… Read more »

“Americanism Night”

The Boggs Disharoon American Legion Auxiliary Unit #123 held “Americanism Night” earlier this month, featuring a an essay contest for area youth. Pictured, from left, are Kristin Rosser, third place; Zachary Birckett, second place; and Sierra Payne, first place. All students are fourth grade students from Berlin Intermediate School. Payne’s essay was entered at the… Read more »

Things I Like

A beach picnicWatching kids scatter during Easter egg huntsBerlin’s Little League paradeComing across a bird’s nest with eggsNeighbors who are friendsTurkey sausage on the grillWhen someone is truly surprisedWatching my son play soccerAn old barn in a fieldWalking barefoot on fresh cut grassDriving on Old Ocean City Road

What’s Your Sign?

ARIES (March 21 to April 19): Impatience is still somewhat of a problem. But a sign of progress should soothe the anxious Aries heart. Meanwhile, invest some of that waiting time in preparing for the change ahead.TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): Bovines tend to excel at solving problems, not creating them. But you risk… Read more »

Life Term For Attempted Murder

SNOW HILL — A Worcester County man found guilty of attempted first-degree murder last December for his role in a shooting incident in Pocomoke that left one man dead last May was sentenced to life in prison last week in Circuit Court.Last May 27, Pocomoke Police responded to reports of gunfire in the area of… Read more »

Slots For Clubs Bill Passes In Fourth Year

BERLIN — After falling just short in each of the last three years, the Maryland General Assembly this year passed legislation allowing limited slot machine gambling in non-profit service clubs, fraternal organizations and veterans’ groups in Worcester County.For each of the last three years, a bill that would have added Worcester to the list of… Read more »