Wicomico County Robotics FIRST Robotics Competition Team Earns Position In FRC World Championship

Wicomico County Robotics FIRST Robotics Competition Team Earns Position In FRC World Championship
Students B1

The Wicomico County Robotics FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Team excelled in district competition on April 9 and earned a position in the FRC World Championship in St. Louis later this month. The high school students built a robot from scratch in six weeks. The robot was developed to conquer ramparts, sally ports, rock walls, a portcullis and a moat, and to shoot boulders at their opponents’ castle during the FRC competition, FIRST Stronghold. The team has consistently been in the top eight of the three competitions that they have competed in, serving as alliance captains during each competition. The team was given the 18th seed for the World Championship. Submitted Photos