Officials’ Salaries For Voters To Decide

Officials’ Salaries For Voters To Decide

It was a good public policy call by the Mayor and Council to allow the registered voters of Ocean City to decide whether their elected officials should get considerable pay increases.The issue will be in the form of a referendum on the municipal ballot for Ocean City citizens next month. The specific recommendation to increase… Read more »

Wait-And-See On Special Event Zone

Wait-And-See On Special Event Zone

What should Ocean City do next year with the traditional pop-up rally weekend?This is the question after a no show from the troublemakers this year on the heels of last year’s quiet weekend. Though it merits attention and consideration, a decision is not necessary today.Ocean City deserves praise for its approach to the pop-up rally…. Read more »

No Need To Tighten Fenwick Parking

No Need To Tighten Fenwick Parking

At the height of the summer season, it could be argued parking is tight in Fenwick Island. This is not unlike most beachfront communities. The problems, though, do not require a massive change to parking ratios in the commercial district.A proposed ordinance, one that was mysteriously not vetted through the town’s ad hoc parking committee,… Read more »

Changing Times For OC Fireworks

Changing Times  For OC Fireworks

Fireworks on the Fourth of July in Ocean City has evidently become tricky business.Two years ago, after the pandemic canceled plans the year before, a vendor accident caused a daylight fireworks show with the uptown display also being canceled for safety. Last year, out of the blue the new vendor told Ocean City the week… Read more »