BERLIN – County officials voted not to provide funding for field lights to Pocomoke Little League.
The Worcester County Commissioners voiced no objections to Pocomoke Little League’s plan to install additional field lights at Newtown Park but voted not to provide any funding for the project. Paige Hurley, the county’s director of recreation and parks, said the county already provided fields, maintenance and electricity to local Little League groups.
“In the past there have been numerous requests for financial assistance beyond the already significant cost borne by the county in our attempts to provide suitable recreational outlets for Worcester County organizations,” Hurley said. “In the past they’ve been denied because we feel this could serve as a precedent upon which other organizations could seek similar assistance.”
Hurley told the commissioners Pocomoke Little League had asked for permission to install additional lights on Field 2 at Newtown Park. The organization had also asked for $10,000 to help defray the cost of light system as well as an “undefined” contribution to help with the overall project. In addition, the league requested that the county cover the electricity costs associated with the lights.
Hurley said he recommended the county cover the electricity costs but not provide funding for the project. He said the county already contributed to local sports and recreation organizations by maintaining facilities they were able to use.
“On an annual basis Worcester County makes a significant contribution to all of the Little League organizations throughout the county,” he said. “This financial assistance comes in the form of providing fields, concessions, electricity as well as the maintenance and repairs necessary to ensure a successful season.”
He suggested Pocomoke Little League contact Berlin Little League for advice on fundraising.
“Berlin Little League raised 100 percent of their funding for their new concession stand and is in the process of securing funds for lights,” he said.