BERLIN — Trick-or-treating in Berlin is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 31, from 5-7 p.m.
For the first time ever on Halloween, in the interest of pedestrian safety, Main Street will be closed to traffic from its intersection with West Street to its intersection with Tripoli Street.
Candy scanning, which has previously been done at the police station, will be offered at Berlin Town Hall from 5-7:30 p.m. with the help of volunteers from the Berlin Lioness Club.
“We get a lot of questions about when candy scanning is going to happen,” Town Administrator Laura Allen said. “I know lots of families who say they appreciate the town doing that.”
Those who are in town for trick-or-treating are encouraged to gather in front of the Atlantic Hotel at 6 p.m., where Berlin Economic Development Director Ivy Wells says, “something thrilling” will take place.
Trick-or-treaters are also reminded to explore Washington Street where residents each year adopt a theme, which this year will be the National Fright League featuring a spooky take on professional football.