Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Silly Hall in Ocean City continued its downward spiral into complete dysfunction this week, as paranoia and conspiracy theories surfaced over the reason for the recent election date change.————————————————-The most significant aspect of this week’s meeting, and there were many to choose from, was the challenge posed to City Solicitor Guy Ayres, who had his… Read more »

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Two confident predictions were made in Ocean City this week regarding the outcome of the debate over merging the municipal election with the general vote.Councilmen Brent Ashley and Doug Cymek, who may sit next to each other on the council dais but are miles apart typically on their political views, each looked into their crystal… Read more »

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

It’s truly a miracle more people are not killed on Coastal Highway and other Ocean City roadways every year.Around here, anytime an individual is fatally injured it’s a big deal. Even serious injuries are considered significant and make headlines and lead newscasts, but the reality is bad news could and probably should be much more… Read more »

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Thoughts From The Publisher’s Desk

Much time is spent discussing advertising and marketing Ocean City. That’s necessary for the resort to stay competitive with other drive-to destinations, such as Virginia Beach, Atlantic City, Outer Banks, Williamsburg and the Jersey Shore beaches. All of this brainstorming leads to current initiatives like Rodney the Lifeguard and the Summer of Thanks Ocean City… Read more »