OCEAN CITY — A proposed zoning map amendment that could lead to the expansion of the iconic Ocean City Fishing Pier in the future was advanced by resort officials this week.
The Mayor and Council had before them on Monday a proposed zoning map amendment which, if approved, could lead to a future expansion of the historic pier. The proposed map change was recommended by the planning commission in October after the requisite public hearing and forwarded findings of fact to the Mayor and Council.
Planning and Community Development Director Bill Neville explained the pier franchise boundary had been set by ordinance in 1972 and was not amended when the pier franchise contract was renewed in 2019.
“This is a proposed ordinance amending the official zoning map of the town to reflect the pier franchise zoning district to include the entire pier franchise boundary,” he said. “This zoning map revision is consistent with the pier franchise ordinance and is intended to correct an oversight or mistake in not matching the pier franchise zoning boundary at the time of its adoption.”
The historic pier juts eastward from the Boardwalk at Wicomico Street and the town has a franchise agreement with the Synepuxent Pier and Improvement Company, which owns and operates the Jolly Roger amusement park, among other entities.
In 2019, the town reached an agreement with the Synepuxent Pier and Improvement Company and principal Buddy Jenkins to extend the franchise agreement for the Ocean City Fishing Pier, which has largely been unchanged for decades. The agreement extension added an additional 25 years beyond the 10 years remaining on the contract at the time.
While there are no apparent immediate plans to alter the pier and its associated structures, a review of the zoning map for the unique Pier Franchise District revealed a flaw in the way the pier area was platted.
The proposed zoning map amendment would include an additional 140,000 square feet to the pier franchise zoning district to the north and south of the existing pier and extend eastward beyond the Boardwalk tram lane and crossover for pedestrians. It would not include extending the pier beyond its current eastward end. They physical enlargement of the pier would likely lead to increased uses.
With no discussion, the council voted 5-0 to approve the planning commission’s recommendation and forward the proposed ordinance change to first reading.