BERLIN – Town officials approved plans for a mural to brighten up Burbage Park.
The Berlin Town Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to approve a mural design for the concrete wall that separates Burbage Park from the town’s power plant. The mural, designed by local resident Brian Robertson, features the town’s name and the words “Powered by Kindness.”
“I like the play on words,” Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols said. “I like how it truly not just represents Berlin but the power plant and the folks that encompass this town, not just the citizens but the work force as well.”
Tony Weeg, president of the local nonprofit We Heart Berlin, approached the council Tuesday seeking approval of plans to paint a mural on the wall behind Burbage Park. The mural is just the latest of several Burbage Park improvements by We Heart Berlin.
The William Street park, which was previously a spot overlooked by most residents, now features a brick walkway and ping pong tables. A gazebo will be installed this week. Weeg said the mural would add an artistic touch to the park. He said the project was being funded with a $3,000 grant from the Worcester County Arts Council as well as support from donations.
“We’re geared up and ready to roll,” Weeg said, adding that the wall just needed to be cleaned before painting could begin.
Tim Lawrence, director of the town’s electric utility, praised the concept.
“It’ll be a good addition,” he said.
Public Works Director Jimmy Charles said his crew had trimmed plants in the area and would do more later.
“Once the mural’s up we’ll be able to reevaluate what we need to finish so you have good vision of that area,” he said.
Weeg said the mural, which is meant to be bright and colorful, will be painted by Jason Wharton and Patti Backer with some help from Weeg and Robertson. He pointed out it was designed with the same font used on the town’s billboard.
“There’s obviously no cost to the town for any of this,” he said.
The council voted unanimously to approve We Heart Berlin’s power plant mural project.