FENWICK ISLAND – A symposium held by a Fenwick Island committee will give community members a chance to voice safety concerns regarding walking and biking on Coastal Highway.
On Tuesday, Oct. 18, members of the Fenwick Island Planning Commission will host a mini symposium in support of the town’s comprehensive plan. Committee Chair Amy Kyle said the purpose of the meeting is to hear from community members about safety hazards related to Coastal Highway, inform residents of ways to improve bike and pedestrian safety and identify alternatives that would create a safe environment along Fenwick’s busy thoroughfare.
“This is about what can be done to improve safety for all users along the Coastal Highway that serves as our main street,” she said.
The symposium, entitled “How We Can Make Fenwick Safer For Walking & Biking,” will include introductions, public comments, a review of sidewalk projects and presentations from Bike DE Executive Director James Wilson, Dewey Beach Town Manager Bill Zolper, William (BJ) DeCoursey, an associate policy scientist at University of Delaware, and Jennifer Cinelli-Miller, the Delaware Department of Transportation’s transportation planner for Sussex County.
Next week’s event will be held from 10-11:45 a.m. at town hall in Fenwick Island. To access a Zoom link, visit fenwickisland.delaware.gov.
“This event is open to the public and available in person and on zoom,” Kyle said.