Every Sunday: Berlin Farmers Market
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., several streets will be closed to allow producers to display their goods. Live music from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Every Monday: TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-880-8444.
Every Monday: Acapella Chorus
All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-629-9383 or Carol 302-242-7062.
Every Tuesday: Tango Practice
Argentine Tango practice 7-9:30 p.m. Experienced dancers and anyone interested in watching or learning more are welcome. No partner required. More information at TangobytheBeach.com.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410-289-4725.
Every Tuesday: Dancing
The Delmarva Hand Dance Club holds dancing at the Selbyville Elks Lodge 2173 from 5:30-9 p.m. delmarvhanddancing.com.
Every Tuesday: Beach Cleanup
Beach Heroes, an volunteer Ocean City group, holds cleanups 9-10 a.m. year-round. Trash bags, grippers and gloves provided. Check the Facebook page “Beach Heroes-OC” for weekly meeting locations. All are welcome.
Every Wednesday: Bingo
Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open for light fare. 410-250-2645.
Every Thursday: Beach Singles
Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302-436-9577 or BeachSingles.org.
Every Friday: Bingo
Knights of Columbus hosts with doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Columbus Hall at 9901 Coastal Highway, behind St. Luke’s Church. Play every game for just $24. Light refreshments available. Call 410-524-7994 with any questions.
Sept. 24: Assateague Adventures
Berlin library branch will host a Ranger-led adventure featuring crafts, puppets, stories, cool props and live animals from Assateague Island National Seashore. A different adventure each week for all ages.
Sept. 24: Drive-Thru Luncheon
Powellville UM Church will host from 10 a.m. until sold out at 35606 Mount Hermon Road, Powellville. Drive thru luncheon features oyster fritter sandwiches, homemade chicken salad, homemade soups including peas and dumplings and vegetable beef. Bake sale items will be available. No pre-orders. Call 410-835-8796 or 443-880-8804 for more details.
Sept. 24-25: Renaissance Faire
From 10 a.m.-6 p.m., the 2nd Annual Renaissance Faire at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Cost is $15/adult, $10/children ages 5-14. www.furnacetown.org.
Sept. 28: Monthly Meeting
The First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League meets at the Ocean City American Legion Post 166 on 23rd Street and Coastal Highway at noon. Any Marines and Navy Corpsman who have served in the Corps, living in Worcester and Sussex counties, are welcome to join. 410-430-7181 or email [email protected].
Sept. 28: Addiction Story
Wor-Wic Community College will host Tony Hoffman from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on at the college campus on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road. The free event is part of Wicomico Goes Purple, a countywide effort to promote substance misuse prevention, treatment and recovery. Hoffman will speak about his opioid addiction and recovery, and how he went from being incarcerated to becoming a world-class BMX racer and Olympic coach.
Sept. 29: Chorus Singers
Inviting new singers, both ladies and gentlemen to join the Pine Tones Chorus. 1 p.m. Ocean Pines Community Center, Dave, 1-610-213-7472.
Sept. 30: Fish Dinner
Bowen United Methodist Church in Newark will host 4:30 till 7 p.m. fried flounder dinner, green beans, mac and cheese, cornbread, beverage, and dessert. Cost $10 carry outs available.
Oct. 1: 5K Run/Walk
The Wor-Wic Community College Foundation is sponsoring a 5K Run/Walk, along with the 2022 Law Enforcement Team Cup Challenge, at 9 a.m., at the college campus on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury. Check-in and registration begin at 8 a.m. The entry fee is $25 per person, or $35 per person after Sept. 28. Proceeds will benefit the students of Wor-Wic. For more information or a registration form, visit the college website at www.worwic.edu or call 410-334-2807.
Oct. 1: Block Party
Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates, along with the other healthcare providers located on Woodbrooke Drive in Salisbury including Chesapeake Healthcare, Peninsula Imaging and TidalHealth, are hosting a “Block Party” from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., open to the entire community. This event will feature free health screenings such as flu shots, BMI, and blood pressure, education, as well as various other organizations.
Oct. 2: Crab Feast
The Church of the Holy Spirit at 100th Street and Coastal Highway in Ocean City will be having a fund-raising crab feast from 2 to 5 p.m. Food will be served until 4:30 p.m. The dine-in menu will include crabs, fried chicken, corn on the cob, hush puppies, lemonade, iced tea, soda and desserts. Carry-out will also be available. The carry-out meal will include six crabs, two pieces of chicken, corn on the cob, hush puppies, dessert and a drink. Crabs are medium large/large and will come from Rippon’s Seafood. The chicken is being provided by Higgins Crab House. Cost for adults is $45; for children ages 6 to 10, it’s $20; children under 6 eat free. Tickets are available now, by contacting the Church office at 410-723-1973 or by calling Monica at 443-235-8942. Proceeds will benefit the Church of the Holy Spirit and its outreach programs. Refunds will be provided only in the event that the crab feast must be canceled.
Oct. 8: Chicken, Dumpling Dinner
The Bishopville Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary will be holding a chicken and dumpling carryout from noon-2 p.m. at the main station. Chicken, dumplings, green beans and sweet potatoes, $14 per dinner. Extra pint of Dumplings is $7 per pint. Call 619-922-9950 to reserve your dinner and pint by Oct. 3.
Oct. 9: Youth Film Festival
Wild Child Youth Film Festival will be held outside at Burley Oak Brewery. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the films start at 6:30 p.m. Rain location is MacMullin Hall at ACT office, 10959 Worcester Hwy, Berlin.
Oct. 11: Animal Blessing
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, who loved all animals and whose feast day, the Church of the Holy Spirit in Ocean City will hold a Blessing of the Animals ceremony from 11:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. in the church parking lot. The church is located at Coastal Highway and 100th Street. Pets should be on leashes or otherwise under their owners’ control. Any size, shape or type of pet is welcome.
Oct. 11-13: Basic Boating Course
The US Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering the Maryland Basic Boating Safety Course virtually. Cost is $20 for all three evenings. Register or get more information by calling Barry Cohen at 410-935-4807, or Email: [email protected].
Oct. 12: AARP Meeting
Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 will meet at 10 a.m. in the Ocean City Senior Center located on 41st Street and Coastal Highway (behind the Dough Roller restaurant). Please arrive early at 9:30 for a social half-hour and refreshments. Our guest speaker will be provided by Tidal Health. New members are welcome. Call Bob McCluskey at 410-250-0980 with questions.
October 22: Furnace Town Halloween
From 4-8 p.m., Halloween in the Forest at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Spooktacular games, music and trick-or-treating. Cost is $5/person. www.furnacetown.org.
Oct. 22: Knupp Event
The Ocean Pines community is coming together to honor Gavin Knupp by renaming the skate park. Gavin was passionate about skateboarding along with many more outdoor activities. He loved encouraging others to #doitfortheskateedit. Event at the Sinepuxent Brewing Co. is for the first ever benefit in honor of Gavin Knupp. Food, beverages, give-aways, 50/50 raffles, silent auction items and more.
Nov. 9: AARP Meeting
Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 will meet at 10 a.m. in the Ocean City Senior Center located on 41st Street. Please arrive early at 9:30 for a social half-hour and refreshments. Guest speaker will be from the Sierra Club. New members are welcome. Call Bob McCluskey at 410-250-0980 with questions.