BERLIN – Progress on a community center, new festivals, traffic safety improvements and rebranding are among numerous goals for Berlin in 2022.
Mayor Zack Tyndall this week outlined dozens of goals he compiled with input from the public and town staff.
“By and far this is a pretty good representation of the people, our employees and the elected body coming together,” Tyndall said.
In early January Tyndall announced on social media that he’d like citizen input, as well as ideas from staff and elected officials, to compile a list of municipal goals for 2022.
During Monday’s council meeting, he presented an extensive list of goals within 10 categories. Those categories include maintaining and creating safe and inclusive public spaces, supporting diverse art and cultural activities, enhancing safety, managing infrastructure, increasing connectivity, promoting environmental stewardship, increasing tourism, improving town finances, communicating effectively and planning for growth.
Highlights within the list include continuing progress on a community center, improving the walking path at Stephen Decatur Park, looking at dog park possibilities, identifying a location for a skatepark and installing life rings around the water at Heron Park. Other items include holding a Flower Street festival, a gospel festival, a homecoming parade and exploring an outdoor concert venue.
In the area of traffic safety, Tyndall talked about exploring options for roundabouts, the need for stoplights at Main Street’s intersections with major highways and completing a study for LEOPS (Law Enforcement Officers Pension System).
Another big goal for the town is working to bring a pedestrian bridge to Route 113 at Bay Street.
Council members praised Tyndall’s efforts to compile a list with input from town residents as well as elected officials and employees.
“This is a comprehensive list and it’s going to take some doing and working together to make a dent in it,” Councilman Dean Burrell said. “But I also think these goals lay out a splendid direction for our town.”
To view the complete list of town goals, visit the town’s website to access Monday’s council meeting packet.