In this unprecedented time of anxiety and uncertainty, it’s incumbent upon us to seek out the good things in life. With a somber future ahead for now, it’s these silver linings in our daily life that require attention and reflection and even celebration when possible.
We have published numerous stories with this objective in mind in recent weeks. We remain committed to continually reporting the harsh realities of the local news world today, but we see many rays of light in this community each day. We aspire to share these stories with the goal being to provide hope.
Over the last few weeks, a cliché has developed. “We are all in this together” has become the mantra for many. We encourage people to resist the eyeroll from the corniness of the statement. Instead let’s find the truth in the belief. It’s true to survive and endure we have to pull together as a team. We must commit to staying home, keeping our distance from people we cherish and love and be responsible for our own impact on strangers and friends alike.
As he has multiple times over the last month, Gov. Larry Hogan was frank with Marylanders this week. He said, “Each and every one of us has a chance right now to do something to help our neighbors. Every single Marylander can be a hero just by staying home and by practicing social distancing. This will not only keep you and your family safe, but it could also save the lives of thousands of others. In the days to come, we are going to need to depend on each other, to look out for each other and to take care of each other, because we are all in this together.”
It’s easy to fall into a dark outlook these days. Schools, restaurants, bars, retail stores and real estate offices will be closed for the entire month at least. More closures and restrictions will surely follow for the month of May.
As a newspaper, we want to provide examples of how this community is working together to get through this unprecedented time in all our lives. Inspiration can be found all around us every day and this time is no different. We just have to look harder these days for it.
The ongoing effort to provide lunch meals to school children in need is remarkable. The work of Hardwire to step in and provide safety equipment for staff at Atlantic General Hospital deserves lauding. The front steps charitable project underway by a local photographer will be a highlight of the day for many. Stevenson United Methodist Church is looking to literally brighten the lives of pedestrians and motorists by illuminating its beautiful stained glass windows. Teachers across the county are committing to adapting through communicating with and educating their students in a virtual fashion. Banking institutions and other vendors are showing their commitment to their business partnerships by stepping up and agreeing to mercy requests from customers on payables.
It’s these positive stories spotlighting impressive efforts in our community that will get us all through these dark days. We encourage you to join us in sharing these shining lights of hope by letting us know of any stories that should be told. We look forward to it.