November 15: Crop Out Cancer
The Grand Hotel will host the event from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. For a For a $40 donation to the American Cancer Society, you can bring your scrapbooking (or crafting supplies) and join us for a day of uninterrupted crafting. Silent auction, 50/50 and special door prizes and gifts for this event. 443-235-2926.
November 16: Christmas Luncheon, Faire
From 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Buckingham Presbyterian Church. Homemade soups, chicken salad sandwiches, eat in or carryout. Local artisans on hand with Christmas gift ideas, crafts, jewelry, American Girl clothes and more. 410-641-0234.
November 16: Soup For The Soul
Brandywine Living at Fenwick Island will hold from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. annual soup, bread and bake sale featuring some of area’s talented chiefs making signature soups. Proceeds to benefit Worcester County Warriors.
November 16: Steak Dinner
American Legion 123 in Berlin will host from 4-7 p.m. Public welcome. Dinner includes 14-ounce porterhouse, baked potato, salad and dinner roll for $16. Pre-order required. Call Don 410-600-5294 or Ray 410-215-9384.
November 30: Holiday Bazaar
Brandywine Living at Fenwick Island invest public to a festival holiday shopping experience from 9 a.m.-noon. Donations of new fleece coats, hats and gloves being accepted for sizes pre-k to fifth grade for the Clothing Our Kids organization. 302-436-0808 to RSVP.
December 7: Breakfast With Santa
Breakfast buffet with Santa from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at Buckingham Presbyterian Church. Cost for adults, $10; kids ages 3-10, $5; and kids 2 and under, free. Tickets available at door. Reservations recommended for large groups at 8:30 a.m. 410-641-0234.
December 16: Holiday Lunch
The Ocean City Senior Center will hold at 11 a.m., sponsored by the Bank of Ocean City. RSVP by Dec. 9 to Laura at 410-289-0824 or [email protected]