OCEAN CITY — Resort business owner Joerg Leinemann reached another major milestone in his long scouting career this week with a special ceremony at City Hall.
During Monday’s Mayor and Council meeting, Leinemann was bestowed the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award in a special ceremony recognizing his long contributions to local Boy Scout Troop 261. The Outstanding Eagle Scout Award is the highest achievement or rank attainable at the local, state or regional level through the distinguished service to the Boy Scouts of America.
“This is one of the top awards that can be bestowed on an adult scouter,” said Councilman Mark Paddack, who presided over the brief ceremony on Monday along with Mayor Rick Meehan and National Eagle Scout recipient Cliff Berg. “Joerg years ago achieved the Eagle Scout rank as a youth and now has reached this significant milestone in his scouting career.”
Leinemann achieved his Cub Scout Arrow of Light badge in 1969. He became Ocean City Troop 261’s first Eagle Scout ever in 1974. That honor was bestowed on him by late Mayor Harry Kelley.
Decades later, Leinemann has remained in a leadership position with Ocean City Troop 261 as a mentor for hundreds of scouts and Eagle Scouts who have followed the long-standing tradition in the resort. It was fitting he earned his Outstanding Eagle Scout Award on Monday in the same council chambers in which he was bestowed his Eagle Scout award 45 years ago, in a room filled with many of his young charges from Troop 261.
“The trail of an Eagle Scout is never over,” he said. “From time to time, we pause along that trail to recognize one’s achievements and this is one of those times.”
Shortly after achieving his Eagle Scout award in 1974, Leinemann established his business Carpets by the Ocean, Inc., in Ocean City.