SNOW HILL – The Worcester County Commissioners this week denied a local charter captain’s request to use the public boat ramp in South Point.
On Tuesday, the commissioners voted unanimously to deny a request from Marc Spagnola, of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing, to use the boat ramp in the South Point community.
“I don’t think we need to be setting a new precedent,” Commissioner Jim Bunting said.
Recreation and Parks Director Tom Perlozzo advised the commissioners Spagnola had requested a special use permit to utilize the South Point boat ramp for his business, Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing.
“If you were to approve his request, it would not have any material impact on Recreation and Parks,” Perlozzo said.
In his letter to county administration, Spagnola, who’s been in business for several years, explained that last fall, an issue arose regarding his use of the South Point ramp.
“As of this request, it is important to point out that like the public and many charter captains alike, I do use the site to launch and retrieve my watercraft and while on the water, I utilize the parking area for my vehicle and trailer,” he wrote. “At no point has commercial business ever been conducted on county property.”
Spagnola said that his use of South Point increased safety, as it was prudent to launch close rather than to run long distances in rough water. He added that his activities supported the county’s economy.
“Furthermore, and without going into specific detail, it would become clearly apparent to anyone who takes a moment to review the present situation that the utilization of many county ramps by others pursuing a commercial end is simply commonplace,” he wrote.
Bunting, who made the motion Tuesday to deny Spagnola’s request, said the commissioners had previously turned down similar requests.
“The man has a good business,” Bunting said. “He needs to rent a slip somewhere just like anybody else would.”
Commissioner Bud Church said he represented the South Point area and that citizens there had concerns about Spagnola’s request.
“We’ve always denied commercial use out of there,” he said. “We’ve had, at least in the number of years I’ve been here, two or three requests in the past.”
The commissioners voted unanimously to deny the request.