Worcester Preparatory School Holds Annual Academic Convocation Ceremony

Worcester Preparatory School Holds Annual Academic Convocation Ceremony

The Annual Worcester Preparatory School (WPS) Academic Convocation ceremony was held on May 22, where awards were given for academic achievement in all subject areas, in addition to perfect attendance and service to the school. The evening’s most prestigious Academic Convocation award honors were bestowed to the four students pictured. Best All-Round student awards are selected by a written vote of faculty and staff. Pictured, from left, are Junior Quinn McColgan, Best All-Round student, Grades 9-11; Junior Eli Prushansky, Head of School Academic Award, Grades 9-11; seventh grader Vanesska Hall, Best All-Round student, Grades 6-8; and sixth grader Danielle Carr, Head of School Academic Award, Grades 6-8.