BERLIN – A Berlin Fire Company funding study will move forward following approval of a contract by the town council.
On Monday the Berlin Town Council approved a $26,000 contract with Matrix Consulting. The California based firm was selected over four others who submitted proposals to handle a fire and emergency medical services (EMS) study for the Berlin Fire Company.
“We’re happy to be here and we’re committed to getting this done,” Mayor Gee Williams said.
During the budget development process in early 2017, the council allocated $150,000 for a fire and EMS study. The study was identified as a way to determine the operational and capital needs of the fire company going into the future.
“It’s really a complete review of the fire company’s operations and their financial situation with a goal of determining a long range funding plan,” Town Administrator Laura Allen said.
The town issued a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) in September in an effort to find a firm to handle the study. The RFQ’s scope of services identified the town’s desire for an understanding of the fire company’s operational funding needs as well as its capital needs. The study is expected to look at everything from the condition of current apparatus to potential uses for the current library building, which will be vacated next year. According to the scope of services, the study will take into account the financial management of the fire company and is expected to include recommendations on ways the town can ensure its contributions are used for their intended purpose.
In response to the RFQ, the town received five proposals ranging from $19,837 to $60,082. Allen, Managing Director Jeff Fleetwood and Administrative Services Director Mary Bohlen reviewed the proposals and selected the top two firms. Following interviews with both, staff opted to recommend a contract with Matrix Consulting to the council.
“Tonight we’re recommending council enter into a contract with Matrix Consulting primarily because they have an excellent team, a good understanding of the situation, the challenges we’re facing, and they have excellent references and qualifications,” Allen said.
She said the company had agreed to complete the project within 90 days, which will give officials the chance to review the study before next year’s budget is approved.
Fire Chief Jim Corron was in the audience as the council approved the contract. Williams thanked him for coming.
“We’re looking forward to a very productive partnership and collaboration,” Williams said.
Corron said he was there to show his support for the study.
“I will do my best,” he said. “I can’t speak for everyone.”