On Wednesday April 26, Knights of Columbus Council 9053 held its Annual Community Awards Ceremony. Pictured, from left, are Jack Ferry, executive director of the Worcester County Development Center, which received $10,000 from the club’s Tootsie Roll sales last year; Joe Gangi, Knight of the Year, Deputy Grand Knight, Council 9053; Delegate Mary Beth Carozza; Martha Stone, Lady of the Year; Mary Castorina; and Angela Cassels, MBS Teacher of the Year; and, back, Mark Record, MBS principal; Fire Chief Chris Larmore; Joe Davis. “May I Help You” Awardee; Senator Jim Mathias; Wayne Straight, K of C Grand Knight, Council 9053; Police Chief Ross Buzzuro; Detective Carl Perr, Police Officer of the Year; Brandon Reim, recognition acknowledgement; and Tom Foglesong. Not pictured were Fire Fighter of the year Steven H. Twilley, Paramedic of the Year Sean M Sullivan and Volunteer Fire Fighter of the Year Greg Dypsky.