(WPS) seventh and eighth grade students presented the play “Peter Pan A Musical Adventure” by Craig Sodaro in the Athletic and Performing Arts Center on March 10. Directed by middle school teachers Lindsey MacWha and Linda Smith, Peter Pan was performed for parents, friends, and fellow WPS students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Cast members, front from left, are Alex Bunting, Anderssen Taylor, Alex Koppenhaver, CC Lizas, Fiona Pando and Sydney Stebenne; second row, Summer Walker, Sophia Ludt, Sophia Haines, Ava Nally, Abbey Miller, Kat Moore, Maggie Miller, Kate Conaway, Hugh Thomas Cropper and Camden Rayne; third row, MacWha, Hannah Brasure, Tenley Pelot, Bailey Holmes, Brooke Emeigh, Anita Hearne, Tabi Curry, AnnaMarie Buas, Grace Baeurle and Smith; and, back, Ryan Brafman, Teague Quillin, Sydney Lamson-Reich, Graham McCabe, Waverly Choy, Brooke Phillips, Natalie Foxwell, Kat McCormick and Chipper Becker. Right, Camden Rayne is shown onstage as Tinkerbell. Submitted Photos