Voices From The Readers – April 7, 2017

Voices From The Readers – April 7, 2017

Traffic Safety Concerns Need Berlin Attention


In response to the online story, “Golf Course Redevelopment Process Slowed At Berlin Mayor’s Request,” I was pleased to read that Berlin Mayor Gee Williams asked for a delay before the county grants the exception required to partially convert the Bay Club to a campground. I’ve read the concerns about traffic congestion. My main concern is traffic safety.

Broad Street has been a safety concern since at least 1964 when my father bought the house where I now reside. In the past, the main problem has been speeding. Now, with the advent of smartphones, we also have distracted driving. This is a residential area with small children, senior citizens, and people like me walking their pets. It is a dangerous place to walk. Some of my neighbors have told me that they are so afraid they keep only to the side streets. I have had to jump off the sidewalk into a neighbor’s yard when a texting driver hopped the curb.

With little shoulder, and no sidewalk past Ann Drive, it’s difficult to walk safely on Broad Street. Isn’t that a sad statement about the quality of life in this neighborhood – that residents are afraid to take a walk? I shudder to think of the consequences if two RV’s were to meet in an area where there’s a kid riding a bike.

To place additional traffic on this residential street is negligent. The suggestion that campers will divert through Powellville and drive an additional 25 miles when arriving from U.S. 113, Ocean City or Assateague is ludicrous. Unless the plan includes an alternate access road to U.S. 50 or 113, granting the exemption will only increase the already hazardous conditions along Broad Street.

Dan Fields


Thanks To Participants

The Worcester County Humane Society would like to thank all those who took part in our  March 5, First Annual Quarter Auction held in Ocean City.

Due to the generosity of many local and surrounding area businesses, private individuals and the 200 attendees, we were able to raise over $7,300 dollars.

These funds will go a long way to help with vet care, food and staff to care for the many homeless dogs and cats that come to our no-kill shelter every year.

Auction donations totaled over $5,600 were received and auctioned off for just quarters.

Special thanks go out to the American Legion Post #166 in OC,MD, D3Corp, Bourbon Street on the Beach, the Quality Inn Oceanfront  and IncrediTek of BelCamp.

Ocean City and the surrounding areas are very generous and full of giving community of people and businesses.

All of us at WCHS and the dogs and cats at our shelter are forever grateful

Mary Martinez

(The writer was the event chairperson.)

Veteran Recognition Much Appreciated


I would to thank President Nelson Kelly and all the members of the Vietnam Veterans of America Ocean City Chapter 1091 for their efforts in organizing and funding a memorial bench and plaque dedicated to Barry Howard Berger.

Barry was the only Ocean City native to be killed in action in Vietnam. Nelson presided over the dedication ceremony and did an outstanding job. The ceremony was held by the flag pole at City Hall on March 30. Family, friends, veterans and government officials spoke at this moving ceremony. Friends of Barry’s told touching and humorous memories of their days growing up in Ocean City and attending the elementary school which is now City Hall. The bench is made from the same granite as the Vietnam Wall in Washington, DC.

In addition to the plaque and bench for Barry, there is another existing plaque at the base of the flag pole, dedicated to the six Ocean City sons who lost their lives in WW II. It’s definitely worth a visit. Raven Roost #44 is proud to have made a donation for this memorial to Barry. Well done Nelson and all the members of VVA Chapter 1091.

Eric Waterman

(The writer is the president of Ravens Roost #44.)

Journalists Win With Trump


There are many “firsts” associated with the election and Presidency of Donald Trump – not all are positive – it’s a mixed bag.

I believe the most positive is that he has single-handedly restored the art of journalism to its former glory. It is thrilling to see real journalism again. After eight long years of watching journalists act as Obama’s cheerleaders and stenographers, it is refreshing to see that they have not forgotten how to “speak truth to power” and “hold the government accountable”.

I include in this approbation our own local daily newspaper. How informative to see President Trump’s proposed budget picked apart almost daily on the front page. I don’t seem to recall this much interest in President Obama’s budgets (were there any? I don’t think there were many budgets proposed or enacted during those eight long years. It seems we lurched from Continuing Resolution to Continuing Resolution, which surely contributed to the doubling of our national debt – but I digress).

And the editorials! My personal favorite was “Yemen Raid Needs Answers” (March 30). It’s funny, but I don’t recall any editorials saying “Answers Needed for Benghazi Attack” or the “The Deaths of Seal Team Six Members Needs Answers”. Maybe I just missed those?

Anyway, my congratulations to American journalists – you’re back in the groove.

Carol Frazier

Ocean Pines