SALISBURY — Among the seven finalists in the running for the 2016-17 Maryland Teacher of the Year is Wicomico County’s honoree Christy Briggs.
Joining her are Katrina Griffin, Anne Arundel County; Athanasia Kyriakakos, Baltimore City; Donna Miller, Calvert County; Anne Highfield, Cecil County; Michael Williams, Montgomery County; and Tamara Forte, Queen Anne’s County.
Briggs has been teaching for 19 years. She obtained her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Salisbury University and is National Board Certified. She has been an ILT Chair, facilitator for after school professional development and mentor teacher. Throughout her career, her love of literacy has inspired her to implement a student book club, an annual Family Read In and an after school reading program. Through her leadership in school partnerships, she planned the Back to School Carnival and Hope for the Holidays outreach program to support her school community. Her passion is to inspire her students to become life-long readers.
“Maryland teachers rank among the nation’s best, and the work of these exemplary finalists represents the exceptional creativity and energy found in classrooms through the State,” said State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Karen Salmon. “Maryland’s classroom educators offer our students world-class instruction, providing a passport to their future success.”
The finalists were selected by a panel of judges from key Maryland education organizations representing principals, teachers, school boards, teacher unions, parents and higher education. Finalists were measured against a rigorous set of national criteria that include teaching philosophy and results, community involvement, knowledge of general education issues, and suggestions for professional and instructional improvement.
The 2016-2017 Maryland Teacher of the Year will be announced during a gala reception and dinner at Martin’s West in Baltimore on Oct. 7. The winner will receive cash awards, technology equipment, national travel opportunities, and a new car valued at more than $25,000, donated by the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association.
Maryland has had a history of national success with its Teacher of the Year Program. Since 2006, Maryland has had three of its State Teachers of the Year selected as National Teachers of the Year.
The Maryland Teacher of the Year will be honored by the president at the White House next spring and participate in several national meetings and conferences.