Summer of 1977
Vol. 23
Edition 7
Issue Highlights
The Hurricane Nightclub on 71st Street offered midweek drink specials to its patrons. Ladies’ Nites on Tuesdays and Thursdays featured 75 cent drinks. Ladies’ and Men’s Nite, Wednesdays, introduced drinks for $1.25.
The 138th Street Fenwick Inn hosted Ernie Fields & Cockroach in their Rooftop Lounge & Restaurant. Blood Sweat & Tears played at the Lookout from July 21 to 23.
In an article entitled, “What will happen to the bikini?” it was predicted that 30 years after 1977, Ocean City would have consisted of primarily new high rises, traffic would have all but disappeared thanks to public transit, and West Ocean City would have become a vibrant town in its own right.
Shoppers could purchase a free style swim suit for $15 or a wrap skirt for $9 at any of South Moon Under’s three Ocean City locations.
Shad Landing’s unique past and offerings were discussed in the article, “State park here steeped in history.” The park allowed for hours of fun either through renting boats, swimming in the pool, or getting lost in nature. The spot was also popular with slaves traveling the Underground Railroad, Civil War deserters, and bootleggers.