Worcester Prep Lower, Middle and Upper School students participated in the 2nd Annual Chess Tournament on April 21. Winning awards from the lower school were, above from left with Lower School Head Celeste Bunting, Stephen Carullo, fourth place; Jude Damouni, third place; Cole Myers, fourth place; Ibrahim Khan, third place; Meeta Agarwal, fourth place; Ansh Batra, first place; Edward Martikyan, second place; and Jonathan Antonov, fourth place. Below, winning awards in the Middle and Upper School categories were Pranay Sanwal, first place middle school; Sam Cantor, second place high school; Ayush Batra, second place middle school; Chipper Becker, third place middle school; Daniel Chen, third place middle school; Nick Hearne, fourth place middle school; and Joseph Schwartz, fourth place middle school.