BERLIN — On Wednesday, April 13, an informational forum will be held for District 3 voters in Worcester County, featuring their three Board of Education candidates — incumbent Sara Thompson and challengers Shirley Bunting-Moran and Francis Gebhart.
District 3 includes parts of West Ocean City, Berlin and the South Point areas.
Sponsored by the Worcester County Tea Party’s Speaker Series, the forum will be held at the Ocean Pines Library, just in time for early voting, which begins Thursday, April 14 through Thursday, April 21, from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.) and primary election day on April 26, 7 a.m.-8 p.m.
Each candidate will speak individually for 10-15 minutes, in response to previously-prepared questions, followed by the public’s questions. It should be noted that this is not a debate. The express purpose of this informational forum is for the benefit of District 3 voters.
However, since the forum is part of the monthly meeting, the public is, as always, welcome and encouraged to attend and participate.
The library is located on Cathell Road and the meeting begins at 7 p.m. with the doors open at 6:30 for light refreshments.