How About Return Of Sand Mountain?
I just read the article about the high cost of replacing playground equipment on the beach. About 12 years ago, in front of the Atlantic Hotel in Ocean City, the city built the new ‘train track’ along the side of the amusement pier where the rides are. When it was completed, there was a pile of sand left from construction, maybe 20 feet high. I work on the Boardwalk and I could see the hill from my workplace.
Families would sit along the edge of the pavement with their feet in the sand, while their kids had a blast climbing the hill and rolling in the sand. Moms and Dads playing on the hill with their kids; everyone having fun. Because of the hill’s size, many kids could play at the same time.
Then it was flattened and gone.
For the short time it was there, it became an “attraction.” A bunch of kids playing on a sand hill and loving it. Perhaps Ocean City could give it a try? It won’t cost any money and all the kids that get to play on a real
“sand mountain” will love it! Probably more than the new expensive beach toys.
Yours thoughtfully,
Danny King
Angels Recognized
I would like to thank personally all of the angels who contributed so generously to Coastal Hospice’s annual Angel Appeal fundraiser. Our wonderful supporters contributed more than $82,000 to help fund the charity care we provide.
Last year, Coastal Hospice cared for nearly 1,000 patients and families on the Lower Eastern Shore and provided more than $515,000 in charity care to patients who lack the resources to pay for the care they desperately need.
The average gift this year was nearly $72, which will have a significant impact on the care Coastal Hospice provides. For example, $72 can pay for one month of medical equipment for a patient at home.
We sincerely thank everyone who generously donated to our Angel Appeal drive.
Alane K. Capen
(The writer is the president of Coastal Hospice & Palliative Care.)
Police Overwhelmed By Appreciation Day
Mere words cannot express enough my gratitude and appreciation for everyone involved in the “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day,” held on Jan. 9 at The Original Greene Turtle in Ocean City.
Amongst the hundreds who attended, the outpouring of support was overwhelming, the love and camaraderie palpable, the emotions genuine. A huge “Thank You” to Eileen Taglienti and Steve Pappas from The Turtle for bearing the organizational and financial burden of supporting this event and turning it into a fundraiser for the Maryland Chapter of C.O.P.S. (Concerns of Police Survivors).
Our appreciation also goes to Sgt. Dennis Eade (OCPD) for his assistance with door prizes, raffles, and public relations, “Mike & Jake in the Morning” (92.7 FM), Bulldog, CJ, Coach and Big Al, on Ocean 98.1 FM and Leighton Moore, for giving us the airtime to promote the event, the DJ’s who volunteered their time that night, Hogs & Heroes Motorcycle Club for their unwavering financial and moral support, countless local vendors for their donations of door prizes, the Outback Steakhouse (Salisbury) for their raffle donations, AMJ Landscaping in Pasadena, for matching the 50/50 Raffle Donation Funds, the American Legion Post 166 (Ocean City) for their generous financial assistance, the Mayor & Council of Ocean City, the staff of The Original Greene Turtle for their help, support, and patience, the men & women of the Ocean City FOP Lodge 10, the Carousel Hotel Group for graciously offering discounted lodging for our attendees, the countless citizens and family members (both Blood and Blue), and especially to our survivors who attended and spoke that night, putting a face to the cause, and giving their perspective as to the assistance provided by the C.O.P.S., for no one better knows the sacrifices of a police officer than their family.
Everyone there, including the ones I undoubtedly forgot to mention, contributed to the success of the night and should be applauded for their efforts. It was truly heartwarming to experience the true respect and appreciation for the services of our law enforcement community that night.
The Maryland Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors is a statewide non-profit organization providing programs and services for the survivors of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in the state of Maryland according to Federal and State government criteria. For more information about the Maryland COPS Chapter, feel free to visit our web site @ On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Maryland COPS Chapter, the agencies we represent, and most importantly our survivors, we thank you all. May God bless and keep safe each and every one of you.
Sean Kille
(The writer is the law enforcement liaison officer of the Maryland Chapter of C.O.P.S.)