Every Saturday:
Weekly Farmers Market
8 a.m.-1 p.m., White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines. Year-round featuring locally grown vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, kettle corn, flowers, artisan breads, seafood, meats and more. New vendors welcome. For more information, 410-641-7717.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more info, 410-524-7474.
Every Monday: Delmarva Chorus,
Sweet Adelines Meet
7-9 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center. Women are invited to learn the craft of a capella singing under the direction of Carol Ludwig. For more info, 410-641-6876.
Open Monday-Saturday:
Atlantic United Methodist Church
Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-2 p.m., AUMC, 105 4th Street, O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.
Every Monday:
Berlin TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m., Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 1, 733 Healthway Drive. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. For more info, 410-251-2083.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
5:30-7 p.m., Worcester Co. Health Center, 9730 Healthway Dr., Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For more info email [email protected].
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
‘Used To Be Mine’ Thrift Shop
Supporting Diakonia
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located at the intersection of Rte. 611 and Sunset Ave. For more information, 410-213-0243.
Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday,
September-May: MOPS Meeting
9:15 a.m., The Community Church, Ocean Pines. MOPS is focused on building a community of moms that meet to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. Free childcare so come and enjoy a mommy’s play date. For more information visit, www. facebook.com/groups/MOPSccop.
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Shepherd’s Nook Thrift Shop
9 a.m.-1 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Rte. 589 & Racetrack Rd., Berlin. Accepting donations of gently worn clothes and household items.
Every Thursday:
Beach Singles 45+ Happy Hour
4 p.m., Harpoon Hanna’s. For more information, 302-436-9577, 410-524-0649 or 302-541-4642.
Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
Pancake Breakfast
8 a.m., with worship service at 9 a.m.; Bethany United Methodist Church, corner of Snug Harbor Rd. & Rte. 611, Berlin. Proceeds will go to charity. Cost: $8, for adults; $4 children under 12. For more information, 410-641-2186.
Jan. 2: KC Bingo
5 p.m., doors open; games begin 6:30 p.m.; Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (rear of St. Luke’s Church) O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.
Jan. 7: AYCE Grace Parker
7 a.m.-noon, First Presbyterian Church, 13th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. All-you-can-eat eggs any style, pancakes, buckwheat pancakes, Mil-ton sausage, country ham, homemade biscuits, hash browns, grits, coffee and tea. Cost: $8, eat-in; $6 carry-out. Milke, soda and orange juice available. For more information, 410-289-9340.
Jan. 7: Bingo
5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.
Jan. 7: Delmarva Hand Dancing
5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jor-dan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.
Jan. 8: OC AARP Meeting
9:30 a.m., MAC Senior Center, 41st St., adjacent to the Convention Center. Featured speaker will be Chris Cal-ciano, scout for the Boston Red Sox. Travel opportunities for 2015 will be discussed. All persons age 50 and over are welcome. Visit aarp1917.org or 410-352-5748.
Jan. 8: Legion Bingo
Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.
Jan. 9: KC Bingo
5 p.m., doors open; games begin 6:30 p.m.; Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (rear of St. Luke’s Church) O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.
Jan. 9: Fried Chicken Dinner
4-7 p.m., Stevenson United Methodist Church, 123 N. Main St., Berlin. Two pieces of chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll and drink. Cost: $10. Carry-outs and bake sale available. For more information, 410-641-1137.
Jan. 9: Star Charities
Beef & Beer Fundraiser
5-9 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center. To benefit the Wounded Sol-iders of Maryland. All-you-can-eat beef dinner by Monty Jones of the Lazy River Saloon. Two live bands, Backbay Strummers and Still Rockin’ with emcee Irv Brumbly. Door prizes, live auction, 50/50 raffle and special guest speaker. Cost: $26, ticket. For more info, 410-208-0430 or 410-641-7667.
Jan. 14: Bingo
5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.
Jan. 14: Delmarva Hand Dancing
5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jor-dan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.
Jan. 15: Legion Bingo
Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more info, 410-289-3166.
Jan. 15: VFW Paint Nite
7-9 p.m., VFW Post, 104 66th St., O.C. No experience necessary. All materials will be provided. Cost: $35, person. Food and drink specials available. Sign up online at www.paintnite.com-/delaware/buytickets/858591 or call 410-524-8196 for more information.