Radical Left’s Lies
According to Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does,” a generic, non-offensive observation on the subject of stupidity. Then along comes Jonathan Gruber — described as the chief architect of Obamacare — who, in a display of unmitigated left-wing arrogance revealed that Obamacare was intentionally crafted with a lack of transparency in order to capitalize on the “stupidity of the American voter.”
And in a lie comparable to “I did not have sex with that woman”, the president facilitated the “lack of transparency” strategy by boldly proclaiming “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan”.
It’s interesting to note that a book called “Rules for Radicals” — a primer for the socialist/radical plan for a government-caused collapse of the free-market economy — makes it clear that to succeed the radical left cannot make their true intentions and ideology know to the voting public, and that deception and lying is a necessary tactic. (Obama is well aware of those tactics, as he taught the ‘Alinski model’ at Harvard.)
And ironically, the voters whom they call “stupid” for believing their lies are their own (Obama) voters, the main stream media, and the “blue-dog” democrats, while the folks that don’t qualify for the stupidity insult are the TEA party (founded on a platform of opposing socialized medicine), and the Republicans in Congress (every one of whom voted against Obamacare).
Still supporting Obama? Remember the words of Forrest Gump; stupid is as stupid does.
Steve Lind
Ocean Pines
Meals Appreciated
Thank You to De Novo’s Trattoria.
The election judges of Precinct 5-1 want to thank DeNovo’s Trattoria for its generous support of those who volunteered inside the Polling Station at the Ocean Pines Country Club on Nov. 4, Election Day. The election judges who work the polls at each of the voting locations in Worcester County have a day that runs from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. with limited breaks and, under the Board of Elections rules, workers may not leave the building for the entire period. While the workers enjoy the opportunity to support this civic responsibility to vote, there is no question that it can be an exhausting day.
De Novo’s Trattoria, once again, has given its support to the 19 workers by providing lunch sandwiches at no cost. The Country Club is a decent venue for voting but there is no refrigeration available to keep food for lunch or dinner. Therefore, it was a very nice surprise to receive the news that De Novo’s would have two trays of sandwiches ready for the lunch break.
This is not the first time that De Novo’s has stepped up to support workers on Election Day, and we want them to know how much we appreciate it. It’s great to have such a generous business within our community.
2014 General Election Judges
Precinct 5-1
Food Drive Growing
I would like to thank those members of the Worcester County Bar Association who contributed to the Bar’s Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. I also thank the Humphrey’s Foundation for contributing funds, as well as the staff of Super Fresh Markets for facilitating delivery of our food.
This year, we were able to provide approximately 340 less fortunate families with a complete Thanksgiving dinner, which they could prepare in their own homes, consisting of a 15-pound turkey, potatoes, stuffing, yams, green beans and cranberry sauce.
We united once again with Worcester County Gold and Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Buckingham and Showell elementary schools to identify those families with children to attempt to reach our goal that no one in our county should go hungry on Thanksgiving.
I acknowledge that our goal is a lofty one that perhaps will never be completely met. We are proud, however, that as our Thanksgiving Food Drive has grown over the past 15 years, we are getting closer.
Thank you for being our brother’s/sister’s keeper and attempting to take care of our own.
David C. Gaskill
(The writer is a member of the Committee On Charitable Endeavors for the Worcester County Bar Association.)
Final Prayer Breakfast
Announced For Dec. 12
This year’s Ocean City Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 12, 2014. This will be our 25th and final event.
This year’s breakfast will have another topic that many people find fascinating. Since this is our last breakfast, it was decided that the speaker will focus on the return of our Lord. You may wonder, “Exactly what does this mean?” We have to look at what the Scriptures say are the events throughout the world pointing to His return.
The Bible has over 1,800 references to the Lord’s second coming. In the Old Testament, there are 17 books referring to the second coming along with 23 books of the New Testament; however a vast majority of people do not believe it will ever happen. Why?
We are in the middle of a Tetra (four) Blood Red Moons, with two more Blood Moon Eclipses coming within the year. What does this mean? This is only the third time this has happened in the last 500 years. What has taken place in the past when this has happened? Is God trying to get our attention?
The Bible talks about events that would be taking place right before the Lord’s second coming, such as upheavals in nature, earthquakes, volcanoes (there are now 36 active volcanoes around the world, the most ever recorded at one time), strange weather, etc. Wars, rumors of wars, kingdom against kingdom, nation against nation, pestilence and plagues (Ebola), Isis, attacks on Israel. The Bible also says there will be signs in the heavens — in the sun, moon and stars or constellations.
Things are about to change. Is our nation ready? Are we, as individuals, ready? Come and hear this exciting message, a message of hope and encouragement.
The Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast is Friday, Dec. 12 from 7-9:15 a.m. at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, located on 101st Street in Ocean City. Tickets for this event must be purchased in advance for $16 at the following locations: Long and Foster Realty, 118th Street and Coastal Hwy, Ocean City; City Hall, 3rd Street and Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City; Ocean City Chamber of Commerce, Route 50, West Ocean City; Cropper Oil Company, Route 50, Berlin; or by mail at 204 Graham Avenue, Berlin, Md. 21811
There will be no tickets sold at the door. Please purchase your tickets by Dec. 9, so that we may give a count to the hotel management. Everyone is welcomed to attend. Bring a friend. You may reserve tables of eight to 10 people at the time you purchase your tickets. Tables are first come first serve. I look forward to seeing everyone again this year. Thanks for your support. I’ll see you there.
Bruce Spangler
(The writer is the Director of the O.C Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast.)
Benefit Support Appreciated
The Community of Friends of James Hastings recently held a benefit on his behalf, and requested donations from the surrounding community at large. The benefit was a huge success — raising money, entertaining and feeding guests and donors and was made a success, due to the generosity of the people involved.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend sincere appreciation and thanks to the following people and organizations. Our sincere apologies if any names were omitted.
A Little Bit Sheepish, A Perfect Face, A Thread of Elegance, Advance Auto Parts, Amanda & Chris Cropper, Atlantic Pumping, Bank of Ocean City, Barrett Automotive, Bayside Gazette/OC Today, Berlin Auto Wash, Berlin Auto Wash, Blue Ox, Berlin Coffee House, Berlin Farm and Home, Berlin Legion #123, Blacksmith, Brooks Clayville, Bruder Hill, Bull on the Beach, Bungalow Love, Burleigh Inn, Burley Oak Brewing Co., Buxy’s Salty Dog Saloon, Calvin B. Taylor Bank, Cande & Greg White, Carey Roofing, Carole Schauer, Carrie Maynard, CC Customs, Cheers of Berlin, Chesapeake Eye Center, Christine & Bill Foxwell, Crab Alley, Crabs To Go, Cropper Oil, Cropper’s Towing, Cruise One Vacations, Cupcakes In Bloom, Dana Queen Custom Ties, David Holland, Dead Freddie’s, Dessert Café, Diana Hastings, Downtown Video, Dr. Gerard Ott, Elisa Banks & Steven, Elliott’s Auto Services, Enchanted Tearoom, Faw Casson & Company, Frontier Town, Gee & Betsy Williams, Gene Parker Co., George & Sharon Hunt, George Lenz, Gertrude White, Goldcrafts, Hacienda LTD, Home Seal/Lou Schneider, Hugh Wilde, Ilana Ward, James Tingle, Jeannine Aydelotte, Jeff Auxer Designs Art Gallery, Jeffrey Bowden, JJ Fish Studio, John Morris, Joshua White, Laurence & Gerrie Fentress, Main St Deli, Main Street Sweets, Mary Lee Hastings, Maryland Coast Dispatch, Mike Dukas, Monty & Renee Jones, Mr & Mrs. Gary Williams, Mr & Mrs. Grant Williams, Nancy Holland, Napa Auto Parts, Nest, Ocean City Golf Club, OMH Salon, Patti Hall, Pitt Stop, Planet Found Energy Dev., PNC Bank, Rainbow Florists, Reese Cropper Jr., Sea Maidens Cleaning, Siculi-Tex Mex Restaurants, Skip Lyons, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Steve Cropper & Sons, Stuart’s Antiques, Sue’s Barber Shop, Susan Kavanagh, Susan Pete, The Adkins Co, The Gray Family, The Greene Turtle North, The Parktel Corp., The Pit Stop, The Shoe Box, The Treasure Chest, Thomas Babcock, Toy Town, Venebles Dry Cleaners, Victorian Charm, Wainwrights Tire Center, Walt’s Train Shop, Whisker’s Pub, William Esham Sr & Associates, William Peake, World of Toys, Your Store and Zenna Wellness Studio.
James, Sherry and Allie Hastings, and friends.
Carbon Emissions
Should Matter In OC
The comment period for the EPA’s Clean Power Plan ends on Dec. 1. Why does this matter?
It matters because Ocean City is extremely susceptible to sea level rise.
The Atlantic Ocean is undergoing massive changes, as flooding and extreme super storms are increasing in frequency and severity. Our coastal communities are at risk. While everyone in the country should care deeply about these changes, it’s Marylanders who will be on the front lines of this climate change. We’re the ones who need to care the most.
So what does this have to do with the Clean Power Plan? This EPA plan is the best chance to reduce the global warming pollution that is fueling climate change. Unless we stop the biggest carbon polluters, super storms and sea level rise will continue to worsen. The Clean Power Plan will reduce carbon emissions across the country 30% by 2030. We need that reduction here in Maryland — for ourselves and our coastal communities. This nationally proposed plan is as local as it gets.
Climate change is in our backyard. Join your neighbors in this conversation, and voice your support of the Clean Power Plan to the EPA before Dec. 1.
Bailey Rehnberg
(The writer represents Environment Maryland.)
Fighting For Safe,
Affordable Child Care
In a time of partisan politics, we, a Democrat from Maryland and a Republican from North Carolina, have come together to lead Senate passage of reform legislation that betters the lives of children and hardworking parents. If there’s one thing we can all agree on– it’s the importance of giving our children every chance to succeed. That’s why we’re so pleased the Senate acted in a bipartisan fashion on Monday by a vote of 88-1 to give voice to the concerns of American families by passing our Child Care and Development Block Grant Act. Together we stood side by side next to President Obama as he signed it into law.
The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program is a lifeline for families of modest means – helping them have access to safe and affordable child care services while parents work or attend school. But this vital program hadn’t been updated since 1996. Since then, we have learned much about the evolving needs of American families seeking child care, as well as the condition of federally-subsidized child care settings across the country, many of which were documented by a recent Washington Post investigation. In short, we agreed it was time to act for the better of children and reform this law.
To address these concerns, we sought common ground and common sense solutions. We looked at the child care needs of our country. We held hearings and heard from families. We met with advocates and organizations. We joined together on a bipartisan basis with members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Chairman Harkin and Ranking Member Alexander offered us unwavering support and invaluable counsel. Together, we created a bill to make American families proud.
After years of hard work, we introduced the bipartisan Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014. This bill helps lower-income working families across America access affordable, safe, quality child care. It gives parents options in picking the provider of their choice – whether it’s care in the home, with a relative, or in a child care center. It provides families with reliability and stability by ensuring continuity of care for at least one year. It helps safeguard children, requiring providers to be trained in everything from performing CPR to identifying and preventing child abuse, from prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and shaken baby syndrome, to how best to deal with food allergies. It ensures that childcare providers undergo background checks and annual inspections. And our bill prioritizes quality care, by ensuring that children have care that nurtures the vital stages of their early development and prepares them for learning in a classroom.
Child care isn’t a luxury for working parents, it’s a necessity. For most families, child care is the highest household expense faced by dual income households. For the average family, child care can average nearly $15,000 a year for two children. But high prices don’t always equal quality care. In passing this bill, we help ensure 1.5 million children have access to good child care, bringing families of modest means invaluable peace of mind.
This law is no small feat in a Congress that’s often more divided than deliberative. It shows what we can accomplish with mutual respect. And perhaps more importantly, it shows what we can achieve when we put the needs of the people first.
U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.)