Voices From The Readers

Restaurant Thanked


Primary Day is over and we want to congratulate all the candidates for taking part in one of the most significant privileges and responsibilities of citizenship in this country.

The day is long. Not only for the candidates who seek approval from their fellow citizens but for the election judges who work the polls at each of the voting locations in Worcester County. Their day runs from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and, under the Board of Elections rules, workers may not leave the building for the entire period. While the workers enjoy the opportunity to support this civic responsibility to vote, there is no question that it can be an exhausting day.

The workers of Polling Station 5-1 (Ocean Pines Country Club) want to heartily thank De Novo’s Trattoria for, once again, showing its support to the 19 workers by providing lunch sandwiches at no cost. The Country Club is a pleasant venue for voting but there is no refrigeration to keep food for lunch or dinner. Therefore, it was a very pleasant surprise to receive the news that De Novo’s would have two trays of sandwiches ready for the lunch break.

This is not the first time that De Novo’s has stepped up to support workers on Election Day and we want them to know how much we appreciate it. It’s great to have such a generous business within our community.

2014 Primary Election Judges

Precinct 5-1

Public Bathroom Concerns
An open letter to Ocean City’s tourism bureau; you have a problem. Tourists can be a challenging group, but they pay the salaries of many public employees, and float the many businesses of Ocean City. So, why are we treating them like chumps?

The public bathrooms on the Boardwalk close about midnight, every night. This is a mean thing to do. And what do you think, the inebriated patrons exiting the bars downtown are going to hold it. Of course not, and so they pee and poop wherever they can. And really, can you blame them? They are paying big money to stay here, to park here, to eat and to drink here, and then we treat them with such extreme discourtesy as to close the public bathrooms before the night is through.

Stop treating these people who pay our bills like jerks. Public bathrooms are a necessary amenity, and must be available at least until 3 a.m.
Robert Carr
(Editor’s Note: After reading Mr. Carr’s letter, Public Works Director Hal Adkins responded the position was inaccurate and that the restrooms do not routinely close at midnight.)

Kudos On Education Page


It’s nice to have the opportunity to view photos and read about various topics during the week from The Dispatch via social media and prior to when the presses are released on Fridays.

This week I was very pleased to view the education page on rip current information that you are planning on running from now through the month of September (see page 27B).

It is certainly horrific that the ocean in our neighborhood has already claimed a few lives this season.  This extra added piece will be seen by others who are visiting.  Some may benefit by this new page by maybe opting to swim closer to the beach as opposed to traveling further out, while others may gain a newly respect for our highly trained lifeguards who are at the beach to protect everyone.

This new page to The Dispatch newspaper is a very good thing and I am glad that you have decided to implement such educational material.

Doug Antos

Ocean City

Reaching Out


I am trying to reach out to the white lady who attended the “It’s Halleluiah Time Service” at Stephen Decatur High School on June 21. She said that she lived in Ocean Pines. I personally want to bless you. Please call me at 443-614-9622.

Thank you for coming. I know what you look like.

Pat Hingleton
