BERLIN — An unidentified juvenile was charged this week with six counts of disturbing school activities and possession of alcohol under the age of 21 after allegedly sending packages containing fecal matter to a Stephen Decatur High School vice principal.
Last Wednesday, Stephen Decatur High School Vice Principal Mark Flynn notified the school security deputy about a package he received at school through the U.S. Postal Service. The investigation revealed the package contained fecal matter. The security deputy then alerted the U.S. Postal Service about the incident.
Last Friday, the school’s security deputy was notified by a U.S. Postal Inspector that an additional two packages had been processed to be sent to Flynn and that both of those packages had been determined to contain fecal matter. The school security deputy and the U.S. Postal Inspector identified a Decatur High School senior as the suspect based on the evidence collected.
On Monday, the senior student was arrested at the McDonald’s adjacent to the school and subsequently admitted sending the fecal matter to the vice principal through the male. During a search of the juvenile’s vehicle, the school security deputy located a large quantity of alcohol. The juvenile has been charged with six counts of disturbing school activities and possession of alcohol under the age of 21. The case has been referred to the Department of Juvenile Services for adjudication.
Meanwhile, the Decatur senior has been suspended for 10 days, according to Worcester County Public Schools Coordinator of Public Relations and Special Programs Barb Witherow.
“A 10-day suspension is the most severe consequence that a principal can issue,” she said. “Expulsion is more severe than that, however it requires the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.”
When asked if the high school senior was in danger of not graduating, Witherow said it remains a possibility depending on the outcome of the case from a criminal standpoint.
“We will continue to monitor this case and reserve the right to apply additional consequences should they be warranted,” she said. “This is a serious matter. Inappropriate, disruptive and illegal behaviors are not acceptable. Positive and respectful learning environments are essential.”