Concerns Over Bill
Here we go again.
The left wing Democrat party is trying to take my God-given rights away from me, or at least make it so hard for me to have my rights — the right to protect my family from harm. I’m talking about a bill they are trying to pass here in Maryland that would let transgendered people use public bathrooms of their choice.
I was raised to protect my female family members and in no way do I want males in the bathroom with them – my daughters or my wife or my granddaughters. Twelve-year-old girls, or, for that matter, grown women, shouldn’t have to be confronted with a grown man in the women’s bathroom, even if he is dressed like a woman. If they pass this bill, it’s just the start of what’s to come. I guess I’ll have to stand outside of the restroom when my female family members have to use it. Since I can’t carry a gun in the state of Maryland, I guess I’ll have to carry a ball bat or something like that. Are they trying to turn me into a criminal?
I’m not saying transgendered people are bad people, but what is there to stop a pedophile or rapist from dressing up like a woman and going into the ladies’ room?
We need to get rid of every politician who votes for this and file charges against them for child endangerment.
These people have lost their minds.
We need to use the brains God gave us and stop this.
Ralph I. Frazier
Ocean Pines
Cigarette Issue Has Merit
Last week, it was announced that Ocean City is looking at combating the ongoing problem of cigarette butt tossing. Some of the statistics and facts that were mentioned regarding the number estimated butts that are carelessly thrown/tossed onto our streets, neighborhoods and beaches is sad and results merely because of carelessness.
One idea for thought: In an effort to generate the thought onto others that Ocean City now frowns on “butt tossing”, maybe consider placing lighted message at entrance ways near both bridges. Perhaps an appropriate message could have a photo of a cigarette butt with a red slash through it. Above the illustration could read, “Watch your butts.”
Whatever is decided, the issue will be challenging to muster for sure. Additionally, I would like to thank Councilman Brent Ashley for his efforts thus far and any future continued pressing to help make a difference with this.
Doug Antos
Ocean City
Genealogist To Speak
For those folks who have lived on Delmarva’s shores for generations, we’ve come to respect, preserve and appreciate the vast culture and history that surrounds our individual endeavors. Now just imagine the initial curiosity and excitement if your family’s name can be professionally traced back to the surname linking them to Charlemagne’s Reign (768-814).
Moody K. Miles III is a noted genealogist and creator of “Miles Files,” an ancestral chart and slide show featuring the first six generations of descent from the first families of Virginia during the Jamestown era. These families settled in the following Eastern Shore counties: Northhampton, Accomack, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester and Sussex. This collection contains hundreds of families with over 70,000 names, some going back nearly 1,300 years up to the early 1900s.
The Worcester County Historical Society will be hosting Mr. Miles as its special presenter during its general meeting and spring dinner, which will be open to the public. This event will be held on Saturday, April 5 at 6 p.m. in the new Pocomoke City Fire House meeting hall and cafeteria. The Eastern Shore-style buffet dinner will be prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary. For those interested in attending, the cost is $20 per person. Please make checks out to “WCHS” care of Robert Fisher, treasurer, 230 South Washington Street, Snow Hill, Md. 21803.
C. Newton Weaver Jr.
Ocean City
(The following was presented at this week’s Worcester County Board of Education meeting.)
In September 2010, the United States Department of Education (USDE) awarded the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) $170 million grant to develop tests aligned to Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Worcester County School Board members continue to promote that curriculum is still controlled at the local level. That’s not true. If you don’t own the test you don’t own the curriculum because no one builds a test unless they’re planning to teach the answers. As Bill Gates said in July 2009, “When the tests are aligned to the common standards, the curriculum will line up as well.” USDE even went further last year when they established a technical review panel whose sole purpose is to evaluate the aligned PARCC tests. In other words, the Feds will get what they want tested.
When PARCC was awarded their $170M grant, they signed a cooperative agreement between them and USDE that offered some troubling terms:
1. “…including, but not limited to working with the USDE to develop a strategy to make student level data that results from the assessment system available on an ongoing basis for research.”
2. “The Grantee must provide timely and complete access to any and all data collected at the state level to USDE or its designated program monitors, technical assistance providers or researcher partners.“ So anyone that the government chooses will have access to that information. In short, the government wants to collect a dossier on every child containing highly intrusive personal information without asking permission or even notifying parents.
According to a December report prepared by Maryland State Department of Education for the Legislative Budget Committee, the PARCC tests will be administered in two testing windows, March and May. The number of students being tested will increase from 300,000 to over 1.1 million. Testing time per student will increase a minimum of 70%. The report further shows that the vast majority of schools in Maryland are not technologically prepared to give the new online PARCC tests and at least $100 million will have to be spent by 2015 to get ready. That doesn’t include the costs of the PARCC test which could be another $30 to $60 million per year.
F. Gebhart