Every Saturday & Sunday,
Now-April 27: Pancake Breakfast
9 a.m.-1 p.m., Ocean City Municipal Airport Terminal Building. To benefit the Huey Vet-eran’s Memorial Display. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage. Suggested donation is $5. For more info, 410-213-2471 or 410-726-7207.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more info, 410-524-7474.
Every Monday: Delmarva Chorus,
Sweet Adelines Meet
7-9 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center. Women are invited to learn the craft of a capella singing under the directions of Carol Ludwig. For more info, 410-208-3018.
Open Monday-Saturday: Atlantic
United Methodist Church Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-2 p.m., AUMC, 105, 4th Street, O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430. $5 Bag sale Tuesday, March 18 & Wednesday, March 19. Grand re-opening Friday, March 21, with new spring and summer merchandise.
Open Wednesday-Saturday: ‘Used To Be
Mine’ Thrift Shop Supporting Diakonia
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located at the intersection of Rte. 611 and Sunset Ave. For more info, 410-213-0243.
Every Wednesday: TOPS Meeting
3:30-4:30 p.m., Ocean City Library. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyles. For more info, 302-436-3682.
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Shepherd’s Nook Thrift Shop
9 a.m.-1 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Rte. 589 & Racetrack Rd., Berlin. Accepting donations of gently worn clothes and small household items.
March 14: Corned Beef, Potatoes
& Cabbage Dinner
4-7 p.m., Stevenson United Methodist Church, 123 N. Main St., Berlin. Dinner in-cludes, corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, bread and drink. Cost: $8, adults; ages 4-10, $5; ages 3 and under eat free. Carry-out and bake sale table also available. For more information, 443-235-6761.
March 14: KC Bingo
5 p.m., doors open; 6:30 p.m., games begin; Knights of Columbus Council #9053 Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (behind St. Luke’s Church) O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.
March 15: Fine Arts & Crafts Show
To Benefit Breast Cancer & Pet Rescue
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Gold Coast Mall, 115th St. & Coastal Hwy., O.C.
March 15: St. Patrick’s Day Party
Noon, American Legion Post #166, 23rd Street & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes & roll, $6. For more information, 410-289-3166.
March 15: AYCE Fried Chicken Dinner
Noon-until, New Hope United Methodist Church, Willards. Menu includes all-you-can-eat fried chicken, mashed potatoes, greens, string beans, macaroni and cheese, beets, biscuits, dessert and coffee. Cost: $12, adults. Carry-outs available. For more information, 410-543-8244.
March 15: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
5-7 p.m., Bethany United Methodist Church, Rte. 611 & Snug Harbor Rd., near Frontier-town, West O.C. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, dessert and beverage. Cost: $10, adults; $6, children under 12. For more information, 410-629-0926.
March 16: AYCE Breakfast Buffet
7:30-11:30 a.m., (or until sold out) Berlin Fire Hall. All-you-can-eat pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, has browns, biscuits, cereals, coffee, milk & juice. Cost: $9, adults; $7, carry-outs; children ages 5-12, $5. Children under 5 eat free.
March 16: Democratic Women’s Club
Sharing Sunday
1-3 p.m., South Fire Station, Ocean Parkway, South Gate. Collecting non-perishable food, toiletries and paper products to be shared with a local food ministry. For more information, 410-641-6552.
March 16: Showell UMC Homecoming
2 p.m., Showell United Methodist Church, 10115 Pitts Rd., Showell. Speaker will be Steven Cropper with music by Sacred Sounds. The speaker and members of the musical group grew up as part of the Showell congregation. Meal to follow service.
March 17: Democratic Women’s Club
9:30 a.m., coffee and conversation; 10 a.m., meeting; Ocean Pines Community Center. Featured speaker will be Michele Deman-che, an assistant professor of art at UMES, who will speak on the importance of visual art in the world. All women welcome to attend. For more information, 814-322-2119.
March 18: WCCW Meeting
5-6:30 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Cen-ter, Marlin Room, 235 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines. The purpose of the Worcester County Commission for Women is to promote social, education and economic equality for women in Worcester County. Volun-teers are sought for short-term assignments such as grant writing, fundraising and event planning. For more information, 410-632-5040.
March 19: Bingo
5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.
March 19: Delmarva Hand Dancing
5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jordan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.
March 19: Suicide Grievers’
Support Group
6 p.m., Worcester County Health Dept., 9730 Healthway Drive, adjacent to AGH, Berlin. Meets the third Wednesday of every month. Open to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. No judgment, just quite listening and caring from those who have been there. For more information, visit www.choosetolivemaryland.org or call 410-629-0164.
March 19: Introduction To Judaism
Class Continues
Wednesdays in March & April, 7-8:30 p.m., Temple Bat Yam, 11036 Worcester Hwy., Berlin. Course for anyone interested in learning more about Judaism. The course is open to the public. Topics include Jewish holidays, history prayer service, life cycle, creating a Jewish home and Jewish understanding of God. No cost but registration is required. To register email: [email protected].
March 20: Pine’eer Craft Club Meeting
9:45 a.m., refreshments; 10 a.m., business meeting with picture frame craft to follow; Ocean Pines Community Center. Bring your own jewelry items to create a personalized picture frame or use sea shells (supplied) to decorate a frame. To reserve your project supplies, 410-430-0284.
March 20: Legion Bingo
Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Phil-adelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.
March 21-23: Home, Condo
& Outdoor Show
Friday, noon-6 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; Ocean City Convention Center.
March 21: Kiwanis Wine Tasting Party
& Chinese Auction
4-7 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room. Sponsored by the Ki-wanis Club of Greater OP-OC with all proceeds benefitting the Kiwanis Scholarship Foundation which awards scholarships to local graduating and deserving high school senior students. Unlimited samples of wines, hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, desserts, soft drinks, coffee and water. Cost: $15, donation. No one under 21 will be admitted. For more information, 410-641-7712 or email: [email protected]. Visit the web site at kiwanisofopoc.com.
March 21: KC Bingo
5 p.m., doors open; 6:30 p.m., games begin; Knights of Columbus Council #9053 Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (behind St. Luke’s Church) O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.
March 22: Antique Appraisel Show
11 a.m.-2 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room. Sponsored by the Republican Women of Worcester Co. Let Charlene Upham and Steve Blumenauer of Charlene Upham Antiques appraise your portable treasures. They specialize in jewelry, coins, clocks and glassware. Cost: $6, one item; $10, two items. Food and drink will be on sale.
March 22: Spaghetti Dinner
& Gospel Concert
4:30 p.m., Powellville United Methodist Church. Hosted by the Powellville UMC Men. Dinner will feature spaghetti with homemade sauce, garden salad, breadsticks and a beverage. Cost: $8, person. Children under 10 are free. The Island Boys will perform at 6:15 p.m. A love offering will be taken to support their ministry. For more information, 410-835-3388.
March 22: Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
For Camp Possibilities
5-8 p.m., St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Com-munity Life Center, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Chinese auction and raffle. To benefit Camp Possibilities, a camp for children with diabetes between the ages of 8 and 15 who, due the complexity of diabetes management often do not get the change to go a summer camp. In addition to the dinner there will be a Chines auction and raffle. Cost: $10, adults; $5, children 12 & under. For more information and a list of auctions items, www.SpaghettiForPossibilities.com. To order tickets or any questions, 410-251-4793 or 410-251-0626.
March 22: Magical Evening Featuring
World Champion Magician Will Fern
Captain’s Table Restaurant, 15th St. & Balti-more Ave., O.C. Sponsored by the Ocean City Development Corporation Public Arts Committee to benefit the installation of the dolphin statue at the foot of Rte. 90. Cost: $70, per person includes two drinks and en elegant buffet. Cocktail attire requested.
March 23: Worcester Co. Choral Concert
3 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Rte. 589. The program will include a selection of traditional and contemporary choral music. Jean Anne Shafferman of the Lorzenz Music Corporation will be conducting the concert choir. Accompanist is David Leahy, who has performed in recitals for various members of the Royal Family as well as at the White House, the Blair House and Washington’s National Cathedral.
March 23: AYCE Spaghetti Dinner
Fundraiser For Candidate Mike Hindi
5-8 p.m., Whisker’s Bar & Grille, 11070 Cathell Rd., Suite 13, Ocean Pines. Fund-raiser for Democratic candidate Mike Hindi, who is running for the seat of the new district 38C that covers northern Worcester County and portions of eastern Wicomico County. All-you-can-eat spaghetti and garlic bread dinner for $8.