BERLIN — Quinn McColgan, Millsboro, a sixth grade student from Worcester Preparatory School, recently attended the Paris premiere of her most recent movie, “Non-Stop.”
McColgan is currently in in Budapest to work on a new film, Welcome to Harmony, with stars Matthew Fox (Lost/Party of Five) and Jeffrey Donovan (Burn Notice). McColgan, Fox, and Donovan are the three main characters in the film.
Because McColgan will be filming in Europe, she won’t be able to attend the United States premiere of “Non-Stop,” which according to imdb.com involves “an air marshal springs into action during a transatlantic flight after receiving a series of text messages that put his fellow passengers at rick unless the airline transfers $150 million into an off-shore account.”
In the film, starring Liam Neeson, Michelle Dockery and Julianne Moore, Quinn plays the supporting role of Becca. McColgan, however, was able to be part of the Non-Stop premiere in Paris in early February.
McColgan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McColgan of Millsboro.