Director Inducted
BERLIN — Coastal Association of REALTORS® Executive Director Sheila Dodson has recently been inducted into the CMLS CMLX Level One – Professional inaugural class.
While there were no caps and gowns at this “graduation,” the inaugural class was officially pinned by the CMLX committee during the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) executives meeting held this month during the National Associations of REALTORS® Annual Convention in San Francisco, Calif.
CMLX is a certification program designed by the Council of Multiple Listing Services (CMLS) to identify skills, subject matter and experience common to three levels of successful MLS management. With the creation of this program, CMLS hopes industry standards will be raised and codified and CMLS members will be able to follow a consistent program of professional development.
“Our industry believes in education,” said Dodson. “As technology continues to rapidly evolve, it is critical for real estate advisors to stay up to speed to best serve the customer and business overall. CAR’s Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is the backbone of our industry because it offers cooperation for selling and buying homes. Through MLS, our members have access to every available property on the market. Since I manage CAR’s MLS Service, it was critical for me to achieve CMLX Certification.”
The credential is awarded to candidates who have passed the required certification courses and have met specified experience and membership requirements.
Upon completion of the CMLX Professional designation, Dodson gained a broad knowledge of all key components of an MLS, a general understanding of the distribution and protection of data and an awareness of the various governing and ownership models existing in the industry today.
Company Aims To Help
BERLIN — CCI has announced its commitment to giving back this holiday season, as it’s joining forces with Diakonia, Inc. to help local families.
As a demonstration of the commitment to the community, the Ocean Pines-based IT consulting team will be providing food and toys to Diakonia this season, aiming to bring a happy holiday to those in need.
Diakonia operates out of two buildings in West Ocean City, providing emergency and transitional housing, emergency food services and counseling and assistance for its guests. Serving as more than just a shelter, Diakonia attempts to address the root causes of homelessness. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, Diakonia plays an invaluable role in the community. As such, Diakonia relies on the generosity and services of volunteers and local businesses.
CCI is eager to play a part in helping Diakonia bring holiday joy to families in need this year. The CCI team donated and delivered five turkeys to the shelter for Thanksgiving.
“We have so much to be thankful for this year,” said Account Manager Eric Allen. “We wanted to find a way to give back. Diakonia does so much for our community, and in turn, we want to help them however we possibly can.”
In addition to donating turkeys for Thanksgiving, CCI will partner with Diakonia to collect toys for the annual toy drive. CCI is encouraging not only staff, but also clients to gather toys in an effort to guarantee that Diakonia has a successful toy drive. All toys will be donated to the children of Diakonia. Toys are for children ages 2 to 14 and should be donated unwrapped.
“We are firm believers in Diakonia’s commitment to demonstrate love, family and giving. We encourage our clients to join us as we make the holidays a little brighter for the families at Diakonia,” said Allen.
For more information on how you can help with donations, contact Sarah Fitzpatrick at 410-208-3933 or via e-mail at [email protected].
CAR Offers Holiday Tips
BERLIN — Tis the season for giving — and taking – depending on who you are.
Many people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping and decorating during the holiday season and forget to pay attention to how they are possibly making their home a tempting target for predators. Social media has added another level to the alert check list as users “check in” here and there and everywhere. Many crime prevention tips focus directly on what you should and should not share on your Facebook page.
Don’t share that you are going out of town on Facebook. Announcing to your whole social network that you’re not home or that you just received an expensive present may not be a good idea.
Beware of location-based applications such as Facebook Places and Foursquare. Many vendors will offer promotions to shoppers who “check-in” at stores. Announcing this information could cost you in the end.
Never allow check-ins at your own home (you’ll be alerting potential thieves to your address).
Don’t make comments about items you’ve purchased or received as gifts.
Don’t “check-in” or share when you are out of town.
Other important tips to remember to keep your home and family safe include checking that all doors and windows are locked and that your deadbolt (if you have one) works; installing motion detector lights on all sides of your house, and if possible make sure they’re visible from the road; never leave your garage door opener in your car; and display the tree, not the gifts.
“Crime prevention is important but we also need to consider how the homeowner can sometimes be the perpetrator at the same time as the victim, said Sheila Dodson, CAR Executive Director. “Some top contributors to holiday fire loss claims are Christmas trees, candles, turkey fryers, and fireworks. There are some simple steps you can follow to keep your home safe from yourself.”
Certification Received
SALISBURY — Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC), through the work of its Guerrieri Heart and Vascular Institute, Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Center and Stroke teams, has again been awarded Joint Commission Gold Seal Approval, Disease-Specific Certification in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) or heart attack, Total Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery and as a Primary Stroke Center.
The recertification of the programs follows a recent extensive and rigorous on-site evaluation by a team of Joint Commission reviewers. The programs were evaluated for compliance with standards of care specific to the needs of patients and families, including infection prevention and control, leadership and medication management and collecting core measure data and using it for performance improvement activities.
“In achieving Joint Commission advanced certification in all four services, Peninsula Regional has demonstrated its commitment to the highest level of care for its patients,” says Jean Range, MS, RN, CPHQ, Executive Director, Disease-Specific Care Certification, The Joint Commission. “Certification is a voluntary process and The Joint Commission commends PRMC for successfully undertaking this challenge to elevate its standard of care and instill confidence in the residents of and visitors to the Delmarva Peninsula.”
In 2012, over 600 people were treated for AMI at Peninsula Regional Medical Center, the regional Trauma center/Cardiac Interventional Center for the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Medical Center staff work closely with local EMS to quickly diagnose people who may be experiencing a heart attack. That relationship allows for professional care in the field and rapid transport to the Medical Center’s Emergency/Trauma Center. If necessary, patients have immediate access to Peninsula Regional’s Guerrieri Heart & Vascular Institute for additional treatment options including cardiac catheterization, cardiac intervention and coronary artery bypass surgery. Thousands each year also rely on Peninsula Regional’s Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Department for a safe return to life’s normal activities following an AMI experience.