SALISURY – The City Council this week approved Comcast’s rates for 2014, two lease renewals with the Tri-County Council for a Shore Transit bus stop and the establishment of a mechanical fee.
New Cable Rates Accepted
The council voted 3-0, with Councilwoman Terry Cohen and Councilwoman Shanie Shields absent, to approve a Resolution to accept the calculation of maximum permitted rates for limited basic service and regulated equipment and installation rates as set forth in Comcast’s rate filing dated Sept. 30, 2013.
According to Salisbury Director of Internal Services Keith Cordrey, the city received from Comcast, Forms 1240 and 1205, which calculate the maximum permitted rate for limited basic service and maximum permitted rates for equipment and installation of service based on Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations.
City staff has discussed the documents with Comcast Senior Director Regulatory/Compliance Joseph Lance and is satisfied that the calculations of the regulated rates are reasonable and consistent with FCC regulations.
As calculated in Form 1240, the maximum permitted rate for limited basic service for this term period is calculated at $19.96. This is an increase of $2.82 from the prior year maximum permitted rate of $17.14. The current rate for limited basic service is $16.95.
As calculated in Form 1205, the installation and equipment rates have also been established for the current term period. The exact rate was not released, although Comcast announced the majority of those rates have decreased.
Comcast will notify the city 30 days prior to when any rate increases will take place.
Shore Transit Bus
Stop Leases Approved
According to Assistant Director of Internal Services-Procurement Jennifer Miller, the Procurement Division is seeking to authorize the renewal of a lease agreement between the City of Salisbury and the Tri-County Council for a bus stop adjacent to Lot #10. This lease would allow the continued use of a grass strip and the sidewalk on Calvert Street for a one-year period.
Additionally, the accord would authorize the renewal of a lease agreement for a bus stop adjacent to Lot #1, which would allow the continued use of a grass strip and the sidewalk on Circle Ave. for a one-year period.
According to the Resolutions, “the Tri-County Council for the Lower Shore of Maryland-Shore Transit Division, a regional transit system serving the three Lower-Shore Counties, has been leasing from the City a grass strip on Calvert St. as a bus stop, and a grass strip and the sidewalk on Circle Ave., between the corner of Division St. and Parking Lot #1 entrance as a bus stop.
“The City finds that it is in the best interest of the City to continue to permit the Shore Transit Division to operate a bus stop at the aforementioned location for the convenience of the public.”
The council voted 3-0 to approve the two Resolutions to authorize Mayor Jim Ireton to sign the renewal Lease Agreement between the City of Salisbury and the Tri-County Council for the Lower Shore of Maryland.
Permit Fee Approved
The council also voted 3-0 to approve an ordinance on second reading to establish a mechanical permit fee.
According to the ordinance, Section 110.3.7 of the International Building Code requires that heating, ventilation, air conditioning units and equipment are to be inspected to determine compliance with Chapter 13, Energy Efficiency, of the International Energy Conservation Code.
The council has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Salisbury to develop a permit and inspection program to better ensure the quality of work performed by the trades when installing and replacing mechanical systems.
In order to verify compliance with the International Energy Conservation Code, the International Mechanical Code, and the laws of the State of Maryland, the council desires to establish a mechanical permit fee for the installation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in new structures, and the replacement of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in existing structures. The fees will go into effect Jan. 1.