Students from Wicomico County recently inducted into the Alpha Nu Omicron chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Wor-Wic Community College are, above front row, from left, Nancy Faye Talbott of Delmar, Sarah Elizabeth Jackson of Hebron, Nathaniel A. Valdes of Pittsville, and Brooks Thomas Bowden and Stephanie Mae McMahon of Sharptown; and, back, Stephanie Auguste, Carolyn Bowland, Jason L. Brumfield, Staci Cahall, Lauren Fanielle Pascarella, Jeffrey Proctor, Holli J. Trice and Kellie Williams of Salisbury. Below, inductees from Worcester and Somerset counties were, front from left, Kirsten Arlene Hawkins of Berlin, Brady Wayne Cooling of Bishopville, Kelly Marie Cowger of Newark and Hanna Kucuk of Ocean City; and, back, Terry Fort of Whaleyville, Hannah Marie Atkins and Maghen Walterman of Crisfield, and Jenna Catherine Hands and Jasmine Turner of Princess Anne.