Summer of 1969
Volume XVII
Edition 2
Issue Highlights
•Hastings Real Estate Inc. listed an one-bedroom oceanfront condominium for sale for $19,950, including “wall to wall carpet” and “paneled walls.”
•A free coupon for the Sky Monorail was included in the bayfront Playland Amusement Park’s ad on 65th Street.
•In his After Dark column, which spotlighted the local nightlife scene in and around Ocean City, Editor Dick Lohmeyer featured photos of Frank and George Peebles at the Hideway Lounge with bartender Pat Dudley; Dick and Ann Eschenburg at the French Quarter; Dick and Edith Barton at the Lighthouse Lounge; Jim Short and Randy Godwin at the Nomad Village; Maggie Norman and Grace Loftus at Morgan and Jack’s Pirate Den; and Irv Wolfe at the Embers.
•At Warren’s Family Restaurant in Fenwick Island, crab imperial was being sold for $2.90
•Delivery grocery service was being offered by the 64th Street Super Market.
•A feature story on W.P. Laws Market was published in honor of its 50th anniversary. It was located between Talbot and Dorcester streets on Baltimore Avenue. Preston Laws was the owner.
•Upcoming events included the Colts Corral, Stowaway Motel; Maryland Tobacco Wholesalers, Stowaway Motel; Telephone Pioneers, Beach Plaza; Maryland Municipal League, Commander Hotel; Maryland Savings & Loan, Beach Plaza; and the University of Maryland Reading Institute, Beach Plaza.