Company Names Principal
BERLIN — Better Living of Delmarva Sunrooms and Awnings has named Matthew Whalen as a principal of the company.
Whalen presently manages the Installation Department and will now become part of the ownership team. Better Living of Delmarva is the exclusive providers of Better Living three-season, year-round sunrooms and awnings.
New Association Leader
BERLIN — Shamrock Realty Group has announced the installation of Pam Wadler as president of the Coastal Association of REALTORS® (CAR).
The association, based in Berlin, supports over 900 member Realtors from Worcester, Wicomico, and Somerset counties on Maryland’s lower Eastern Shore.
Wadler’s 12-month term began Oct. 3 at the CAR general membership meeting held in Salisbury. The installation of officers was conducted by Carlton Boujai, president of the Maryland Association of Realtors (M.A.R.).
Prior to becoming president, Wadler had held the office of president-elect for the past year, and previously had served as vice-president, treasurer, and member of the CAR Board of Directors.
Excellence Awarded
OCEAN CITY — Fractured Prune the donut Shoppe, has received a “Certificate of Excellence” for the year 2012 from Trip Advisor, an award that is given to businesses that consistently earn top ratings from Trip Advisor travelers.
The Salisbury Fractured Prune is now open in its new location across from the college in University Square, 1147 South Salisbury Blvd. #10.
Chamber Honors Members
FENWICK ISLAND – Susan Lyons, publisher of the Coastal Point newspaper, received the prestigious 2012 Lighthouse Award at the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Member Celebration & Awards Ceremony at Cripple Creek Golf & Country Club in Dagsboro.
The Lighthouse Award is chosen directly by the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber’s Board of Directors, and recognizes a long-time chamber member who contributes outstanding leadership and devotion to both the chamber and local community. The Lighthouse Award, a replica of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse, is handcrafted and donated by Dale Bellinger, owner of Bellinger’s Jewelers.
Serving two terms on the chamber’s board of directors from 1995-1998 and then again from 2008-2011, Lyons has been involved with the chamber for nearly two decades. Earlier this year she also was inducted into the Indian River High School Hall of Fame for her contributions to the community. Barbara Howard, Chamber President, presented the award to Lyons and spoke to the countless hours of assistance she has given to the Chamber especially while we were under-staffed.
Six other businesses were presented with awards throughout the evening. The Bookend Café of Fenwick Island won the Best in Business Award. The Freeman Stage at Bayside received the Community Spirit Award. Donna Duffy of 3E Marketing received the Inspiring Business Award. Anne Powell of Anne Powell & Jennifer Hughes Team, ResortQuest, Resort Quest Real Estate took home the New Member of the Year Award and Jennifer Pavik of Vernon Sales Promotion won the Member of the Year Award for the second year in a row. Terri Mahoney of WMDT received the Arlene Hauck Ambassador of the Year award.
During the celebration, the chamber also inducted new Board of Directors and thanked outgoing board members James Brannon, Atlantic General Hospital; Jennifer Pavik, Vernon Sales Promotion; Howard Bunting, Brasure’s Pest Control; and Past President Todd Hickman of NVHomes Coastal Division for their time and dedication to the chamber.
Firm Helping Physicians
BERLIN — Wavelength Information Services, a nationally accredited Healthcare IT firm located in Berlin, is making a significant impact on the health of Maryland citizens, as well as, the health of medical practices throughout the state. With more than 100 medical providers who have successfully attested for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Meaningful Use incentives, the monetary impact to their physician clients’ “bottom line” exceeds $2 million paid directly to the physicians.
“We have over 400 clients throughout Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic area and we understand the tremendously positive impact EHRs have on the medical care provided to the patients. The Wavelength experts have a unique understanding of both healthcare and technology,” said Wavelength President Murray Oltman. “Our team plays a vital role in minimizing the disruption as medical practices transition to Electronic Health Records, while at the same time moving the practice quickly along the path to Meaningful Use.”
Wavelength leads the Maryland Designated Management Service Organizations (MSOs) in successful physician Meaningful Use attestations for Maryland physicians.
Wavelength has received national accreditation for its implementation and security practices, ensuring successful transitions to EHRs while implementing security protocols within their clients’ offices.