BERLIN — A growing group of locals have begun the process of trying to open a dog park in the Berlin area.
“It wouldn’t need to be too big,” said Cate Carrick Nellans, who hopes to use a portion of the fields located near the Worcester Preparatory School.
Nellans, along with resident Chrissy Ehrhart-Knight, is spearheading the drive to open a free dog park in the community.
“We like to get together, and we like to bring our dogs,” said Ehrhart-Knight.
Nellans asserted that there should be something for dog owners to take advantage of close to home and that it should be free to the community. Though the movement is only just beginning, the group is already looking for support from the town and private individuals. According to Ehrhart-Knight, the group hopes to find a local developer or contractor willing to donate fencing for the park. If someone is willing to do that, she felt the majority of the costs would be addressed.
“I think the expense would be very low,” said Ehrhart-Knight.
The pair plan on meeting with town representatives next week to discuss the possibility of using one of the county fields near Worcester Prep. Whether zoning or other factors will allow that has yet to be seen, but Nellans is hoping the site will be available.
“That park over there is already doggie friendly,” she said.
If the group does get permission to use the location, members will be looking towards local individuals to become involved. Ehrhart-Knight sees the dog park as a potential community project. She envisions private individuals working together with organizations like Grow Berlin Green to populate the park with agility obstacles made from recycled materials.
Nellans underlined how the dog park could help bring the community together and might eventually start bringing in more attention and visitors to town.
“It could bring events into Berlin,” she said.
If the park becomes a reality, Nellans also mentioned that she would like to see other expansions to town services in the future.
“We could make Berlin more of a hub,” she said.
The community support behind the idea seems to be growing quickly. Since coming online Monday, the Berlin Dog Park’s Facebook group already has more than 60 members.
Nellans and Ehrhart-Knight urge anyone interested to join the effort on Facebook. Supporters can also email the group at [email protected].