SALISBURY — The Wicomico County Council last week passed a resolution authorizing the county to acquire an easement on 472 acres within the Quantico Creek Rural Legacy Area which covers a portion of a tract known as the Tracey Properties.
The county will be able to place the remaining 238 acres of the Tracey property under protective easement with funds from the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). The 472 acre parcel easement will be acquired with $1.08 Million of Rural Legacy funding. $940,000 in CREP funds will acquire the easement for the remaining 238 acres. The total parcel is 710 acres.
“This is another important step in the preservation of our rural way of life here,” said Wicomico County Executive Richard Pollitt, Jr. “The fact that this unspoiled property will remain as that is of crucial importance to us and future generations.”