SNOW HILL — The Worcester County Health Department this week confirmed an adult black cat found near the intersection of Greenbackville Road and George Island Landing Road in Stockton tested positive for rabies.
The large adult black cat was described as having a red collar that had green and yellow flowers and a bell on it. Deputy Health Officer Dr. Andrea Mathias warned that any person, pet or other animal that may have had contact with this cat could be at risk for rabies exposure.
To report any contact with or exposure to these cats, call the Worcester County Health Department immediately at 410-641-9559. If you call after hours or on the weekend, follow the instructions on the answering machine for reporting an animal bite or rabies exposure incident to reach on-call staff.
The county health department is asking residents to report any sick animals and those acting in an unusual manner since there may be additional rabid animals in the area. If contact is suspected with a pet, do not handle the pet barehanded. Make sure all your pets have current rabies vaccinations.
Do not allow pets to roam outdoors unattended and do not leave pet food, especially cat food, outdoors. Residents are encouraged to talk with their neighbors and report any possible exposures. If a person has been bitten he or she should seek immediate medical care.
Cardin Seek Stronger Pollution Policies
BERLIN — Senator Ben Cardin this week called nutrient pollution a serious threat to water quality in estuaries such as the Chesapeake Bay and other bodies of water around the country and called for more stringent federal and state policies.
Cardin, chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife, convened a hearing to discuss the causes and impacts of nutrient pollution in the United States and various approaches toward mitigating its effects. Nutrient pollution, caused by excess nitrogen and phosphorus, has negatively affected more than half of the water bodies in the United States including the Chesapeake, causing harmful algal blooms, hypoxia, declines in fish and wildlife and drinking water contamination.
“Dead zones with little or no oxygen caused by nutrient pollution are threatening America’s waters and lakes, as well as the jobs and regional economies nationwide that depend on these great water bodies,” said Cardin. “Without sufficient oxygen levels, plants and marine life suffocate, leaving far fewer fish and shellfish for our nation’s commercial and recreational fishermen. De-oxygenated water also feeds vast and dangerous algal blooms, making water unsuitable for both industry and recreation.”
Energy Savings Promoted
SALISBURY — Delmarva Power is hosting an event tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 8, at Lowe’s in Salisbury to encourage power customers across the region to prepare to save on energy costs in the coming months.
The utility’s energy efficiency programs support EmPOWER Maryland, a statewide initiative seeking to reduce energy consumption 15 percent by 2015.
The family-friendly event will feature Delmarva Power representatives and local officials hosting a day of live entertainment, giveaways, and tips and information on how to save energy. Customers can signal their commitment to use less by taking the symbolic “Pledge to Save” while learning about practical ways to use electricity more efficiently at home.
Delmarva Power also will share information with customers about its rebates worth up to $300, other rebates that can make energy efficiency improvements and upgrades more affordable, and home assessments to help identify opportunities to improve.
The event will take place from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and is being held at the Lowe’s on N. Salisbury Blvd.
Assateague Fossils On Display
ASSATEAGUE — The Assateague Island Alliance (AIA) this weekend will present the latest installment of its “Second Sundays at the Seashore” series with a lecture and demonstration by a noted geosciences professor on fossil formations on the barrier island.
The AIA’s “Second Sundays” program this Sunday, Oct. 9, will feature retired Murray State University geosciences professor Dr. Peter Whaley, who will share his enthusiasm and expertise about fossil formations from the sea. The program will offer visitors the opportunity to examine some fossils found in and around the island and compare them to their living counterparts.
The hands-on program will allow visitors to explore with microscopes and hand lenses while learning about past sea life. The program, part of an ongoing “Second Sundays at the Seashore” series, will be held at the Barrier Island Visitors Center on Sunday from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For more information, contact the AIA program manager at 443-614-3547.