OCEAN CITY – Mayor Rick Meehan and Councilmembers Mary Knight and Doug Cymek, along with other Ocean City and Dew Tour representatives, officially kicked off the event yesterday morning with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
“This is the official grand opening this morning, and the first time this event has taken place in Ocean City or on the east coast,” Mayor Meehan said. “This has been a great experience, a great partnership, and this is a perfect fit the Dew Tour and Ocean City. We have been able to work very closely with their organization and we are very proud to be here this morning.”
Director of Marketing and Events for Alli BJ Carretta also said it was exciting to finally kick off the Pantech Open of the Dew Tour after a long and positive process.
“The building behind us takes a lot of time and effort, and we couldn’t have done it without the city’s help and the Mayor and Council’s help,” Carretta said. “Take in the whole event. There is a lot to do, a lot to see, and I think it’s good for everybody to enjoy and get a little bit more action sports in their lives.”
Carretta was excited for the event’s new aspects.
“We have a surf contest tomorrow and we have never done that before,” he said. “We have a couple pros coming in and couple local kids that are going to surf with them. I’m a little curious to see how that turns out … it should be fun.”