Voices From The Readers

Voices From The Readers

Country’s Course Concerning


No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as ability, of our worthy citizens who attended the third meeting of the Americans for Prosperity last night.

Having attended the tea parties in Washington, D.C., I see the need for a concerted effort to be continued for our leaders to hear our voices. Former Senator Dick Armey addressed our group while at the Capitol last Tuesday and that our U.S. Congress hear our cry, “Kill The Bill.”

We feel that it is natural for men to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth and listen to the song of that siren till it transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst and provide for it.

I am an 86-year young World War II and Korean conflict volunteer and am very concerned with the path that our country is being taken.

“We are proud to call ourselves conservative, are not a minority of a minority party. We are part of the great majority of Americans of both parties and most of the independents as well.” Ronald Reagan in 1977.

Robert N. Brenner

Ocean City

(The writer is a retired U.S. colonel.)

Thoughts On Flying Changes


When I was a young Naval aviation man whenever we were scheduled to fly on whatever mission we were sent on, they paid us “skins”, meaning extra pay for hazardous duty. As I see it today, all passengers willing to pay to get aboard a commercial aircraft should be paid “skins”.

Yes, they have won again. Our illustrious Homeland Security director has told us that all of our “rules” put in place for safe flying worked and fortunately the plane landed safely. What kind of idiot will believe this? In fairness, she has now admitted that perhaps some of the safety procedures failed. (I get up early folks.)

Now, listen up Americans (and probably all peoples). New rule: you will not be able to leave your seats for up to one hour before landing. This should take care of any known terrorist who boards your plane from going to the bathroom to set his bomb during that one hour.

Oh yes, passengers who include children, ladies and old gentlemen will have to “suck it up” during that one hour in case their kidneys report a personal and/or bodily need. (At least when I was doing my naval flying, they gave each of us a relief tube for obvious reasons.) And I quickly add, they paid me for hazardous duty. I was not required to pay them for the dangers of flying (commercial).

Just a quickie thought: I understand Senator Kerry is planning a trip to Iran to solve all those problems related to our friends there. Mr. Kerry, could you please plan a side trip to Yemen where perhaps you could discuss their intentions to murder us?

Frank Vetare


United Way Needs Help


For 65 years, the volunteers and staff of our local United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore have worked tirelessly to help the less fortunate in our Lower Shore community. In fact, the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore is the largest non-governmental source of funding in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties, currently supporting 50 non-profit programs through 22 different local agencies. These programs touch over 100,000 lives every year and are experiencing rapidly increasing demand for their services as the economy continues to struggle.

As a United Way Board member and long-time supporter of this wonderful agency, I personally have seen the impact made on people’s lives and am proud to know that 100 percent of all donor dollars stay right here in our community helping local people in need. Every single day someone that we know is touched by your contributions to the annual campaign. This year’s campaign goal is $1.6 million. It is an ambitious and reachable goal that can be achieved through the generosity of individual donors and Lower Shore businesses holding a workplace campaign and giving their employees the chance to give through the ease of payroll deduction.

In this time of giving thanks and reflecting on all that is good this holiday season, your United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore is asking for your help in helping those who need it the most in these difficult economic times. To learn more about giving, advocating or volunteering, please call the United Way office at 410-742-5143, or visit www.unitedway4us.org.

Live United.

John B. Gaddis


(The writet is a United Way Board Member.)

Obama Breaking Promises


When President Obama was campaigning for President he made a solemn pledge he would eliminate or reduce earmarks. He broke that promise during the push to implement the new healthcare program.

The White House cut backroom deals with a number of senators to secure their votes for the bill. Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska received $100 million in federal funds for a rip off which exempted his state from paying for new Medicaid patients. Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana got a kickback of $300 million in extra federal spending for her state.

The healthcare bill will add $1 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years, and the Medicare system will suffer cuts of $500 billion. Approximately 30 million people will be added to the healthcare system. This will place a severe strain on hospitals and doctors who will not be able to handle the huge influx of new patients. The end result will be long waiting periods and lower quality service for all.

A particular concern is the impact of the program on small businesses, which will be forced to provide health insurance to their employees. This program could force many small businesses to raise prices and/or reduce costs (primarily labor costs), and some businesses will be forced to close their doors. It should be noted small businesses account for about 70 percent of the jobs in this country.

It is unfortunate the White House had to resort to pork barrel chicanery to get a highly flawed healthcare bill passed.

Donald A. Moskowitz

Support Appreciated


The Noel Community extends a thank you to places of worship, individuals, businesses, and civic groups for the overwhelming support for our 12th Annual Christmas Dinner.

We are especially grateful to Father David Dingwall and St. Paul’s by-the Sea for hosting the dinner; to Deacon Carl Mosley for his spiritual leadership; to the many businesses and civic groups for supplying food, making generous monetary donations, and sponsoring toy and food drives; to the local media for publicizing our event; to all the individuals and churches for donating toys, food, desserts, toiletries and monetary gifts; and to everyone for volunteering their time.

The Noel Community served 1,500 free meals this year, including carry-outs and deliveries to individuals who otherwise would be lonely or hungry. We provided toys, toiletries, hats, and clothing to those in need. We prepared hot meals for police officers, fire personnel, and other public servants working on Christmas day. The Noel Community appreciates the generous support from Ocean City, Ocean Pines, Berlin, Selbyville, and surrounding neighborhoods allowing us to make the Christmas celebration special for many in our community. We will continue to expand our outreach beyond Christmas Day serving free lunches at a local food pantry with the leftover supplies and funds. Your generosity allowed the Noel Community volunteers to serve lunch each Saturday providing 4,215 meals/sandwiches throughout the year. Thanks to your support, we are able to assist individuals and families in meaningful ways.

The Noel Committee